Chapter 3

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Harry organizes a phone call with his therapist, Celeste, after he gets the go-ahead from Jane about the meeting. He can't see her in person since she's in LA, but with everything going on lately, it only seems appropriate. Besides, if he has to see Louis again, he knows he's going to need to talk to someone about it.

Celeste won't let him hang up once the meeting is scheduled, and keeps him on the line for another fifteen minutes, unwittingly talking him off the ledge. She agrees that although it's a bizarre predicament that not many of her clients have ever been through, it doesn't mean he can't handle it with the coping mechanisms she's taught him. She makes him promise, in that charming southern twang of hers, to do some meditation before the meeting with Louis, and to write down his feelings afterwards, so he doesn't have to carry them around quietly until their next call.

An hour later, feeling slightly more at ease, and as if his muscles have loosened, Harry heads out for the meeting.

The meeting takes place in downtown London, at a temporary office space. Harry's manager, Louis' manager and a representative of Capitol Records who's flown out from LA will be there. Niall and Liam agreed that although it concerns their involvement with One Direction, they're mostly here for moral support.

When Harry arrives, Niall and Liam are already there. Predictably, Louis is late.

"How you holdin' up, Haz?" Niall asks, patting his mate on the shoulder. Over the years since One Direction split, Niall is the one Harry has kept in contact with the most. He's constantly instigating catch-ups, even on days Harry just wants to stay in bed all day. He's also been the most vocally supportive of Harry's solo music, even sending voice memo reviews of each song off 'Harry Styles' the album whenever Harry got the chance to send through demos. In return, Harry bites his tongue about Louis (though it can be hard, knowing Niall is just as close with his ex), and secretly attends any shows Niall has done in the London area over the years.

"Good. Fine," Harry says, then amends with, "Been better."

"Twitter is losing its mind, mate," Liam says in greeting, pulling Harry into a hug. "About five different hashtags trending about it. Man, I never thought I'd see the day! It's mental."

Liam, busy with parenthood and living in LA, lives a life so far removed from Harry's that sometimes he thinks One Direction is the only thing they have in common. Even their solo music is on the complete opposite ends of the spectrum. Until recently, Harry and Liam felt like the kind of friendship forged only in the thick of shared experiences, and they didn't quite find their footing together during hiatus. But when talks began of a MITAM tour a few months ago, Liam reconnected, and Harry's been enjoying their unexpected rekindled bond.

"That bad, really?" Harry winces.

"Worse even," Niall adds. "Seriously. I was hounded all the way here just to get a statement about it."

"Jesus," Harry cursed. "M' sorry, this is..."

"Hey," Niall nudges him, "Don't even worry about it. I filmed the video, didn't I?"

"You're right," Harry gives Niall a dark look. "This is your fault, Niall." But then he drops the act, and smiles, making Niall cackle.

"You had me for a second there, Harold." Niall shakes his head, relieved.

The elevator pings open, and Louis walks out. Harry's head whips around instinctively, taking him in. It's the second time in 24 hours that he's seen Louis, the second time in two years. He's wearing a simple black hoodie, denim jeans and sneakers. The whole look is so basic, but so soft somehow. Harry feels heat rising to his cheeks and he drops his gaze to the floor.

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