Chapter 6

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I leaned against my bedroom wall, only wearing a bathrobe and hair up in a tight ponytail. The dinner party had started about an hour ago, and I still wasn't sure if I wanted to go. My clothes hung out of the wardrobe and scattered around my room as if a cyclone had passed by. Nothing seemed perfect to wear for the get-together full of sophisticated people like Michael.

My phone then ranged, and I went out of my bedroom to get my phone from the small coffee table. A gasp escapes my lips when I saw Michael's name flash through the screen. Did he notice that I wasn't at the dinner party yet? My finger fidgeting along with the screen before pressing the answered button.

"Hello?" I don't recognize my voice. I'm nervous.

"Ms. Frost, " Michael spoke. His accent was sounding a little thicker through the phone. It seems seductive, warm- oh, god. My breath hitches, and I blush. I'm conscious that I was finding my own boss's voice sexy.

"Sir, I was about to call you to notify you that I won't be making it tonight, "I nervously announced. I visualize Michael raising an eyebrow and his stubby fingers tightening around his phone.

"And what would your explanation be?" He sounded amused. I was taken back at how relaxed he was acting right now. My body squirmed around my couch, getting more nervous as the seconds passed.

"I have no reason to go to the dinner party." Breathe, Amelia, Breathe! My fingers were nervously fiddling with the material of my robe, and I hesitated when I heard somebody speak in the background. The voice is sounding masculine.

"Tell the guests that dinner will be served in an hour," Michael spoke to the other person. The different voice mumbles a few words, and soon, it turned silent. "Ms. Frost, I will have my bodyguard, Andrew, pick you up in thirty minutes. No excuses."


"No, you don't have to do that," I interfere. "I have a car and-"

"I know, but I just want to make sure that you get here safety," He said. It's strange- It's like I have no other choice but to comply with his wishes. Michael has this effect on me.

"Alright. I see you soon."

"I'm looking forward to it, Ms. Frost."

He hangs up the phone, and I bit my lip. How can he make seven little words seem exciting?

The next half hour, I heard my doorbell being rang, and I walked towards the door. A man in his mid-thirties in a sharp grey suit was standing in front of me. His eyes are staring impassively at me.

"Ms. Frost, I'm here to pick you up as a request from Mr. Clifford."

"Andrew, right?" I spoke. He nods, and I turned around to lock my house. I felt as Andrew watched my every move, and I was uncomfortable. He fit the quiet bodyguard role very well.

We reached downstairs, and he walked towards a grey Audi, opening the door for me. My eyes connect with his blue ones, and he slowly offers me a smile. He grabbed my hand, and I climbed inside the car, elegantly as I can. The car ride was quiet, and once in a while, I can feel Andrew staring back at me.

"How long have you been working for Mr. Clifford?" I asked. My eyes are staring out the window. I didn't even know if we were any closer to Michael's penthouse.

"About ten years."

Wow. He's been there since Michael was fifteen. The phone rang, and Andrew answers by using the earpiece that he had on. The car made a slow turn, and my breath hitches when I saw a huge building. A man appears out of doors, and I can recognize him as Michael.

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