Chapter 9

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(A/N): Read the bottom author note for a very important announcement at the end of the chapter. Enjoy!

"You're doing that thing with your eyebrows again." Ashton leaned against the dining table and flicked my forehead. A small chuckle escaping his lips when I failed in attempting to slap his hand away. I only glared in return and set down my fork; My appetite for lunch is leaving already. Ashton noticed this and sighed. His cheek is resting on his right hand, and he grabbed my other hand. "Don't tell me that you're stressing about work."

"If only," I grumbled. Ashton's eyebrows rose in confusion, and he didn't question it anymore. His clear Hazel eyes looked outside the restaurant window as he was in thought, and the corner of his lips rose.

"Your birthday is coming up," Ashton spoke. I nodded and sighed; I only knew that my birthday wasn't going to be easy-going like it should. My mother would most likely want me to come home and celebrate it. I would maybe even have a male candidate to be my groom waiting for me. Just thinking about it was making my headache even worst. Ashton snapped his fingers in front of my face to get me out of my gaze and smile wider. "Amelia, I'm gonna make sure that you have the best birthday party ever."

"No," I sighed. "I'm satisfied to just have you beside me."

"Such romantic words," Ashton chuckled. His cheeks are turning pink from embarrassment, and I rolled my eyes. He was so easy to read. "But c'mon, I want to make sure that your twenty-three birthday goes splendid."

Before I can speak, I was interrupted when my phone rings. I looked down on my screen to see an unknown number was calling me. My fingers pressed to answer, and I brought my phone near my ear.

"Hello? Amelia is speaking," I greeted the caller.

"I'm surprised you answered," the person spoke through the other line. Whoever this person was, I was sure it was a young male. His voice sounded raspy and affirmative from just one sentence. Furrowing my eyebrows, I lifted a finger to signal Ashton that I'll be done with the phone call soon. "You must be wondering who I am. I stand corrected, Ms. Frost."

"Yes, I am. Who exactly am I speaking to?" I asked. This person must be someone that I know, especially since they know my last name too. "You're not some hacker, right?"

"No," the person chuckled. "But I do know a whole lot about you."


Ashton's phone rings and I noticed that it was an alarm to go back to the office. He grabbed my purse and held his hand towards me to help me out of the high stool. Grabbing his hand, I gripped my phone in my other hand and hopped out of my seat.

"That person isn't giving you trouble, right?" Ashton asked. "You seem uncomfortable."

"I can handle it," I whisper. I returned to my phone call. "I don't have time for your games. Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry for my manners, Amelia Frost," the person spoke. "I'm Calum Hood."


"Oh, recognize me so fast?" Calum sounded amused. There was a small commotion in the background, and the tan man sighed. "I'll be in contact with you soon. Don't forget about me."

"How did you get my number?"

"It doesn't matter," Calum responded. It does! I feel so flustered to know that some person went through my records for their matters. The phone call ended, and I was left mentally unable to understand the situation.

Did I somehow become a target to Calum Hood? Maybe I was wrong to interfere in the meeting that day, but I'm sure that it wasn't enough to get on his radar...right?

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