1. Son of Coul and Patchy (2010)

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Sleep just isn't sleep anymore,
it's an escape.

(Third person POV)

With a gasp, she opens her eyes, the bright late morning sun shining through the large window blinding her. She is sitting on one of the dozen chairs around a large circular table. She gasps, it worked. She went to sleep in her dark bedroom, and just woke up in an in sun bathing room, one she'd never seen before.

'Holy shit.'

As if those words summoned him, a man dressed in suit enters the room, sits himself in a chair facing the one the girl is sat in, and starts talking.

"You know miss, in those 46 years being on this planet, I have rarely been more confused than on this very moment," the man states.

The girl does not seem confused. No, she is looking at the man in total awe.

"My name is Agent Phil Coulson. I'm with the Strategic Hom-" the man starts, but doesn't get the chance to finish.

"Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division, or short S.H.I.E.L.D," Triana finishes.
"I know, big fan," she says with a huge grin on her face, pointing at herself.

"Fan?" Agent Coulson asks confused, but somewhere there is a proud shimmer in his eyes.

"I- um, you- your work. Catching bad guys and stuff." Triana says.

Coulson nods once and then continues.

"Would you care to tell us your name?"

"Can I choose one?" the girl asks.

"Choose what?" Phil asks, his confusion only growing bigger.

"A name," she says. "I really hate my name, and since you don't know mine yet, I can just choose one... right?"

"I would like to know the name your parents gave you when you were born," Coulson says very slowly and clear as if he's talking to a person that doesn't speak English very well.


"Because you're a kid that randomly showed up in a S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, and we would like to know if, maybe, we were gonna relive 1995."

"You're talking about the Carol Danvers shit, aren't you?" she asks.

"Yes, I'm talking about-" he starts, but freezes as if- no not as if- he freezes because someone is talking through his earpiece.

"Yes, sir," he says before inhaling and turning his attention back to the girl.

"There is someone who would like to meet you," Coulson says.

"Oh, shit, it's Nick isn't it? I mean, Fury," she says, as the both of them get up, and Coulson leads the way with the fifteen year old right behind him.

She basically jumps from excitement as they walk past offices and through hallways, getting weird looks from other agents.

"It's 2010, here, right?" the girl asked.

"Yes, it is here, as it is everywhere else," Coulson replies.

Triana scoffs.

"Isn't Fury busy getting billionaires out of giant donuts?"

"What?" Coulson asks, turning around to look at the girl. "Have you ever met him?"

"Fury or the billionaire?"

"Fury," Coulson aswers.

"Nope, I'm really nervous, he actually scares the shit out of me."

"You just said you've never met him before?"

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