4. New Mexico (2010)

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"Country roaaaads, take me hooooome."
-John Denver.

(First person POV)

"Get in kid," Clint Barton yells from the drivers seet.

I start smiling as I walk towards the truck

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I start smiling as I walk towards the truck

"Wait, you gotta help me put the bike in the back first," he says while getting out of the car.

"Oh, sure."

After helping him put the bike in the back of truck, we're in for a 7 hour trip.

"7 hours?" I exclaim

"I didn't make America," he answers with a shrug.

Not gonna lie, it's actually quite fun. We talk about everything and nothing, listen to the radio and Clint even buys me an iced coffee.

Then I say something really dumb.

"How are the kids?" I ask sipping on the coffee

If someone drove in the other lane, we would be dead now because Clint loses control of the wheel for a second.

"I- How- ... Who?" He asks, trying to regain his concetration.

I slowly swallow the coffee and curse myself for what I said.

"Umm, your kids," I ask hesitantly taking another sip.

"How do you know about them?" He asks, giving me a side look, "Did Fury tell you?"

"No, no... um... I-" I sigh and say something that makes everything even worse.
"I- I can read minds," is the thing I come up with, "Yup, I am a mindreader. I read your mind and now I know about ... um, Cookie? No, Cooper and small bean Lila. You think about them all the time," I say as I lean back in the seet.

He blows a laugh through his nose.
"What am I thinking about right now?" he asks.

I raise my eyes in 'how would I know'.


He chuckles and focuses back on the road. I look around and see that we are now driving through the town of Puente Antigue. It's small and completely surrounded by the dessert. I recognise the building where Jane, Darcy and Erik do their research on atmospheric phenomena. I recognise the small restaurant called 'Isabel's diner' where Thor smashed an innocent cup into pieces.

"It should be around here," Clint says in a questioning tone, looking at the GPS.

"50 miles west," I tell him.

"You don't need a map when you got Andie in the car."

The sun is almost set and the air starts to get cooler (but not as cool as me). We drive the last 30 minutes talking about movies we like, which was difficult because at the moment I'm part of those movies. The sun has already made place for the moon when we arrive at the camp.

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