6. Agent Romanoff (2010)

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(Third person POV)

The bright morning sun shines through the entrance of the command trailer, the birds outside are singing their songs and the cool air that enters still holds the scent of rain. Waking up on mornings like this, who doesn't love that?

Answer: people that hate waking up in the morning.

The teenager asleep on a chair against the wall of this trailer is one of those people. She looks peaceful with her hood over her head and a blanket pulled up to her chin. The people behind the computers don't really pay attention to the girl, except for one agent.

Clint Barton enters the room with a bright smile on his face, holding two cups of coffee, he clearly is a morning person. He greets the techies in the room and walks over to the girl, placing the cups on a desk. He slightly nudges the girl's shoulder.

"Hey. Hey, wake up," he says, still slightly shaking her shoulder.

The girl mumbles something back, not opening her eyes.

"Come on, rise and shine" he says.

"Shut up," 'Andie' whispers almost inaudible, pulling the blanket over her head.

"Oof, someone is in desperate need of a steaming hot cup of coffee,"

A hand slips from under the blanket.

"Gimme," the girl demands still holding out her hand.

"Sit up straight first, I don't want you spilling it again."

Groaning she sits straight and folds up the blanket. Then Clint hands her the coffee.

She thanks him and takes short sips from the black liquid.

"Not a morning person, huh?" Clint asks, drinking his own coffee.

"Are you?" The girl raises her eyebrows.

"Yeah," he shrugs, "I function better in the morning, you know."

"You're crazy."

He chuckles before standing up and throwing his empty cup in a trashcan standing on the other side of the room, but misses it by an inch.

"I thought you never missed?" 'Eleandra' mocks, hiding her smile behind the cup.

"It's 8 am for everyone, Brooke," he says back, calling her by her fake last name. She scoffs and watches him bow down to pick the cup up and now carefully tossing it in the bin.

She crumples her own cup and tosses it to the trash can, not missing target.

"Oh, shit," she exclaims. One of the agents looks from the girl to Clint with an amused expression on his face.

Clint's mouth forms a perfect 'O' as he looks from the trashcan to the girl.

"Yeah, Hawkass, you can learn from this piece of awesomeness," the teenager says standing up and stretching her back.

"Can you shoot someone with an arrow from 100 yards away?" He asks, tilting his head.

"Well, no, but I can throw a cup into a garbage bin and not miss," the agent who's been following the entire situation can't help but laugh. Clint looks at the man with an irritated look on his face.

"You try it," he says, making the young man, agent Byrne, look back at his screen.

"What's so funny?" Coulson asks, entering the room. He looks between the two agents and the teenager.

"You just found yourself a new sniper," The girl says, "you can fire him now," she points at Hawkeye.

A tiny "please, don't," leaves Clint's mouth and Agent Coulson's confusion only grows bigger.

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