13. Suit up (2012)

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I press my eyes shut at the sudden beam of light that's shining through my blanket of dirt. Something grabs me at the front of my stained sweater and easily pulls me out of the dirt. I cough and look up to see Thor look at me worriedly.

I stand up and wipe the dirt and blood away from my eyes.

"Are you good?" Thor asks as he looks around.

"I just fell from thirty thousand feet in a metal trap. A nearly died." I pause. And than I smile.

"Ofcourse I'm good. I've never felt more alive in my whole entire life. Are you alright?" I ask him.

He laughs boisterously. "Oh please, I am the God of Thunder, and you're asking me if I'm alright?"

He keeps laughing and I can't help but join. Thor turns around and walks towards Mjolnir. I look at him as he hesitantly picks it up, but then lifts it to the skies, summoning a bolt of lightening. A darkness grows over the field, and Thor's armor begins to fly on. I put a hand on my side. I feel around a bit, and at several spots it does hurt a lot. My self diagnosis says I broke three ribs.

Thor's armor is fully on, and he gestures me to follow him.

"You know where we're going?" I ask him.

"Uh, actually no. Don't you have a map on you or something?" He stops and turns to me.

"Do I look like I have a map on me?" I look at my outfit. My clothes are stained with blood and dirt, and ripped at several places. The few spots of skin I can see are covered with scrapes and bruises. I still have the gun strapped against my thigh, and see that it also has several scratches, just like my watch.

My watch!

"I do have a map on me!" I yell at Thor. I turn the dial towards me. I scroll until I see a little world map on the watchface. The watch keeps lagging, and I can barely see where the red dot is that indicates our location.

"Well, I don't think I have ever not failed a geography exam, but I think we're somewhere on Long Island, near Westhampton."

"We have to find Loki," Thor says.

"I think I know where we need to go." I say, smiling at Thor.

"Then let's go! We have got no time to lose," he booms, walking away from the field.

"It's the other way!" I yell after him, and he turns around. I trail next to him, almost jogging to keep up with his fast pace.

"You know, my back does hurt a little bit from the fall," I say looking at Thor.

"I am going to be fair, small mortal, my shoulder hurts a bit too."

"See, we're all just human," I say, accepting the fact he will not be learning my name any time soon.

"Well, I am not, but sure," he answers.


(Third person Pov)

Clint Barton watches Natasha as she starts to remove the strap restraints around his wrists. After Natasha had hit him in the head, the control Loki had over him disappeared.

"Loki got away?" Clint continues their conversation.

"Yeah, I don't suppose you know where?"

"Didn't ask. He's gonna make his play soon though. Today," Clint answer, following Natasha with his eyes as she walks toward the door.

"We have to stop him," she says, looking at Clint.

"Who's we?"

"Whoever is left," she says, with a sad smile.

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