Chapter 14

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- Max -

I sat in the waiting room of the Hospital, Amber went some where after we talked last night. She didn't tell me where and I was worrying my self.
What if she just left.
She's not gonna come back.
Thats all that rolled threw my head.

"She's gonna come back." I heard beside me, making me jump.
Spencer was sitting next to me. "Oh and sorry It didn't work." he sighed looking at me. I just nodded. Which I do a lot when I don't have anything to say.

"Yeah. it's fine, it's just...i wanna be with her but I can't" I rambled and Spencer just scrolled threw his phone. "wha-" I said and he held up one finger, he had the phone to his ear.

"Yeah I'll have him outside...yep, bye" he said and he grabbed my arm dragging me outside.
A black car pulled up and the window rolled down, why eyes widened as I was shoved in the back seat.

"Hey babe." the girl greeted Spencer as he stepped in the car. The girl had glasses on so I really couldn't tell who she was yet.

"Hey Selena, I got you your treat" Spencer said coldly, my breathing hitched. Selena.


I was laying down in the snow, it wasn't really effecting me. The coldness of the snow on my back, I need to get away and think.

"Exactly what I thought you would do." I heard and I leaned up to face my idiotic brother. "it's okay. Your little lover boy is in good hands" he laughed. I sped at him so I was in front of him.

"What did you do!" I yelled and I had my hands around his neck as I slammed him to the wall. I started stuttering. "Jake!" I yelled.

"He was changing you! Amber! I couldn't loose you" he yelled back at me, his yes burning into mine. I felt my hands loosen and drop to my sides.

"So you kill the thing I care for...thats how you think you can get me back." i whimpered and he looked away from me. "you got your slut, to take him away. Kill him, and you think you will get the old me back!" I yelled and he just shook his head. Grabbing my shoulders, calming me down.

"I'm sorry okay. but-" I stop by slapping him in the face.

"Your not sorry. your just like Darren. A heartless asshole!" I scream and he grabbed me again, but harder this time.

"You mean the world to me. But the one I thing I don't want in your life is a human!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes, my eyes were water.

"And the one thing I wish I didn't have in my life was you..." I said coldly pushing him off me and walked away.

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