Chapter 5

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I was embarrassed so right now, good thing he doesn't know much about us demons.
oh how I love are name!

Oh my sarcastic self.

"Uhh, i dont know" I laughed it off nervously. he smirked at me and sent me a look. Which sent my heart raising, I mean if I had one that was still beating it would.
Oh how I love being died. Again not my sarcastic. wow I'm really sarcastic today..

"What? Do you have a crush on Max?" He said and poked my side. I felt my cheeks heat up.
which was un-natural...
"Oh you do your blushing!" He shouted poking my cheek.

"Maxwell!" I said and hide my face. I felt to hands grab mine, and pull them away from my face. He just looked at me and studied my face. A small smile grew on his lips.
"What is it, Maxwell?" I asked and he just shook his head still smiling.

"Your just, beautiful"



"Darren!" I yelled as I entered the house. "Darren!" I yelled again, Then my father figure of 200 years appeared infront of me.

"What do you want?" He snapped and I just rolled my eyes. "Speak boy."

"It's Amber, she's falling for a human, again" I said and my hands rested behind my back. Since I came from the old ages and when I was just a young boy, I was a server, I learned to be respectful. Darren taught me different, but the way I presented myself stool stood strong.

"Oh, she may just be feeding off him" he laughed patting my shoulder.

"No sir, this is the one she 'killed in the alley,' or so she killed" I said and he looked at me in shock. "he can't be killed by us" I spat and Darren's eyes grew wide.

"He's a cure!" He shouted and I cocked my head to the side. "if she falls for him and he for her, she will became human again..." Darren sighed. "Or he will became a demon if she changes him..."

"I'm not losing her, Darren. she my sister" I said sadly and he shook his head.

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