Chapter 18

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• Amber •

"Look at me. Calm down, it's okay. He's not died." Jake said kneeling down in front of me. I was being held back to the couch so I didn't rush up stairs and see Max.

"I killed him! I know I did!" I screamed, but I wasn't crying, nothing was coming out but my screams.

"Amber! You didn't kill him" Jake shouted, now towering over me. "It's fine, he's fine"

"Then let me see him, Jake, please" I whimper. Jake looks at Darren in the kitchen. Darren gave him a hard look, "please..." I whisper.

"Just go with her." Darren stated from the kitchen. I looked up at Jake, he slowly turned his head toward me. Lifting myself off the couch, I walked behind him up the stairs.

"Maxwell..." I whisper as we slowly entered the room, he was at the mirror. He turned his head towards us and smiled brightly. "Max!" I said and I ran at him. He wrapped his arms around me, I held my head to his chest. But unlike are last hug. He had no heart beat.

He pulls away and looked at me, smiling his fangs showed.

"Jake... leave" I say and Jake tries to argue. "I said leave" I said again and he finally does.

"Come here." I pulling at Max's shirt collar, I pushed him to the wall and stared at him as he stared back at me. "I've been waiting to do this" I whisper.

I bring are lips together. I get flipped around to were my back is to the wall and his hands make their way to my hips. And mine get tangled into his hair. He moves his hands down to my thighs, I jump up wrapping my legs around his waist. I trail kisses down his jaw line and to his neck, I kissed until I heard him moan. I smirked at myself and began to suck on the one spot.

"Hey stop having sex! We are having dinner! So if you don't wanna starve.." Jake yelled from outside my door as he danged in it. I laughed resting my head on Max's shoulder. Max kissed the top of my head and putting me down on my feet.

"Great first impression huh?" He smirked as he walked out of my room. I turned around and shook my head smiling at the goofball.

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