The End

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The push into castle black was no easy task, arriving here seven hours ago, and still here we just finally breached the gates of castle black.

We are finally inside but the legion and I have started phase 2, we are going to siege the castle and northern tower while I and a strike team head for the hidden cellar that leads into the main kitchen in the east wing of the castle.

Braum forgets I know this castle, I studied it for countless hours in my study when I was growing up. I was taught every single corner of this castle, my father while he was Alpha had drilled into me the hope our family will return and I couldn't be more thankful for those lessons as I kneel knee-deep in the mud around the castle, my large hand lay on the foundation at which my ancestors helped build.

My history is here and I know every single secret that Braum does not, having all the archives from the castle passed through generation to generation, they landed on my desk and I used that information.

Who knew my father was right.

Steadying my breath I signal the strike team to pursue forward towards the east wing, so far we have not come into contact with anyone in this area, but it doesn't last as we hear voices coming from the opposite wall of where I and the strike team stand waiting.

"Larson and Bakra take the left, rest with me!" I mind-link as we get into position.

The takedown was successful and no one got hurt in the process. We are moving slow and stealthily without our wolf forms, I cant risk sound giving away our position this close to the secret passage.

As everyone else back at the gates holds off Orion we head further in, I need to get as close as I can to Braum.

No doubt he is very upset with me right now and very much in pain. His mate did leave him indefinitely.


"Kane the northern tower is secure but not for long you have a window of opportunity now." Lucas says through mind-link.

"Hold as long as you can give me, I'll handle the rest." Dex says as a deep rumble in my chest growls.

I feel my limbs shift, turn as snap as I begin to shift, Dex is less talkative about the demon blood in me that makes us both mutant in nature, instead, he has welcomed it, as have I. Feeling the change in my senses and muscles I know I have fully become my true form.

I signal the men with me to go with Carla, strike team leader, a fae. I trust her ability with magic to do what she must to get to Braum, equal hate for Benjamin she joined me at the gates of black demanding to be there when he falls, I can't deny a capable woman her wish, not one with a dark history such as ours.

Carla Stonewall, fae she is cursed with dark magic from Orion, her whole family died from the overthrow of The Vale. Being cursed with dark magic is like waiting on death's door, it's a slow death spell only the truly ruthless Orion can cast upon a strong fae, she knows she hasn't got long left and she knows what she does in her last moments...

I will not deny a dying woman's revenge.

I knew instantly looking into her eyes she would not disappoint me.

Making it to the secret passage I feel the wall that holds a secret brick that will open the passage, but first I have to find it. "Stand back!" I call to the group as they wait in defense as I close my eyes and feel for the spark.

The spark only a black can feel, no one other than me can access it, it was built this way when the castle first came to be, no one knew why or even believed such a thing existed.

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