Chapter Five: An old face

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It's been a while since Loki's little attack on New York and everything has gotten better. New York has been rebuilt, the Avengers are now a team full time and we all live in Stark Tower, or the Avengers Tower now. We've not heard from Loki in a while but that's none of my concern right now. Because I'm currently in HYDRA's base for the first time in years.

I'm on a mission to get Loki's sceptre back from HYDRA because, after the battle in New York, we accidentally gave it to them. I'm unfortunately on my own on this mission. No one knows I'm back. I don't even think they know what I look like now with or without the mask. Then again, no one does except Fury. They can see my eyes but nothing else. And I don't think HYDRA knows what my eyes look like.

They were more concerned about making me better than all the Avengers combined. We tested that a while after the Avengers Tower was rebuilt and I won a fight with them, even the Hulk, and won on a smartness test with Tony and Bruce. I hate it really. Some could call it a blessing but I call it a curse. I want to be average but no, I was forced to be special. Why was I chosen?

Well, I wasn't chosen, I was just dropped off as a baby and was quickly experimented on and no proper childhood. All this talk and not enough about the mission. It's easy to sneak around. I took a helmet, put it on and walked around like I was a HYDRA soldier. No one seemed to notice anything off. I got easy access to the sceptre but that's not all I found. A whale thing was here too.

Still don't know what it's called. I may be smart but I'm not smart enough to know what an alien species is called. I took the sceptre and left. This feels too easy. I put the sceptre in a case and carefully walked around before leaving the base. I went to the Quinn Jet, took the helmet off, left it outside HYRDA and went back to S.H.I.E.L.D. HQ. I reported everything to Fury and gave the sceptre to him.

"Good work, (Y/N)," Fury said

"Thank you, Director Fury," I said.

"I have another mission for you."

"What's the mission?"

Fury took me to the Avengers Tower.

"No one else would take this mission so I thought you would," Fury said as we took the elevator to the top floor.

"No one? Well, must be serious if I'm the last option," I said, "so, what is it?"

"You'll see."

The elevator doors opened to reveal all the Avengers and a face I thought I'd never see again. Loki. I reached for my sword assuming he might be a threat.

"Stand down, Agent (L/N). Loki is here because Odin ordered that his punishment would be to work with the Avengers," Fury said.

"And I thought it would be wise to have someone watch him so he wouldn't get up to his old schemes," Thor said.

"Now I see why I was the last pick," I mumbled, "I'll watch him and, he steps out of line, he will regret it."

"And you will be telling him right from wrong. He's in your charge," Fury said.

I accepted the mission and left to train. I may be strong but I still need to train.

Loki's POV:

I watched the masked girl walk off. Agent (L/N) Nick Fury said it was. Thor showed me around but I ignored him for the most part. That was until we arrived at the training room and saw Agent (L/N) training. We've fought before but I never took the time to admire her. She was so mesmerizing. And she still had her mask on. Why does she wear it? What is she hiding? Whatever it is, I was more focused on just her, ignoring all my questions.

"Thor? What's her name?" I asked.

"In love, brother?" Thor teased.

"Answer the question and I'm not your brother, remember?"

"Fine. Her name is (Y/N) (L/N). But I heard she used to call herself The Mystic Mask. I don't think she does anymore."

"You know I can hear you," (Y/N) said still training.

"I was just telling Loki your name," Thor said.

"And the code name I don't use anymore because I find it cringy."

(Y/N) stopped what she was doing and adjusted her mask a little. She proceeded to show me my room. It was very... mortal. I can fix that. (Y/N)'s room was right next to mine. She left me to settle in and she went to her room. I made my room look better than it looked before. I was later reading in the living area while the other Avengers did whatever. (Y/N) came in not too long later, her knuckles bleeding.

Captain Rodgers asked what she did and, apparently, she broke the mirror that was in her room. Why in the world would she do that? Her hand was taken care of and I saw the mirror that was smashed. Goodness! There was hardly anything left of it or even a reflection. I went back to reading. I do still wonder why (Y/N) wears that mask.

It's not like she needs it for any reason. I think it's just for scare or just to keep her identity a secret. Whatever the reason, I will find out what she looks like sooner or later. Speaking of her mask, Dr Banner asked about it.

"(Y/N)? Why do you wear your mask? We're a team now so you don't have to wear it," Dr Banner said.

"Unless you want to die," (Y/N) said.

"Die?" Captain Rodgers asked.

"Have you not heard? Anyone who's seen my face dies," (Y/N) explained.

"Is that even possible?" Dr Banner asked.

"Fury almost died looking at it the first time until someone told him that some Agents died looking at me. And I don't want to kill any of you," (Y/N) said.

A valid reason to wear it but I don't believe her. No mortal can make others die by just looking at someones face. A God or a monster maybe but not a mortal. I'll find out if it's true or not someday. In the meantime, I'll be reading.

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