Chapter Fifteen: Survival

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I woke up before (Y/N). I had to cover her face with a bit of my cape so I didn't have to look. I want to keep cuddling her close but I also have to get some sort of food for her. Her growling stomach hasn't gone unnoticed. She needs to eat. Not that I was hoping to find anything but I looked around to see if there was anything edible in the kitchen. But there was nothing but rotten food, cockroaches and rats. Well, I have to go out I find something. I don't want to leave her for too long so I'll have to get the first thing I see.

So I'm probably going to have to hunt an animal. But first I need to restart the fire to keep her warm. This cottage isn't exactly intact. I got the fire started again and left to get some food. It started snowing too. Let's just hope I find food before the snow gets worse or, even worse, a blizzard. Should a blizzard start, we might have to get as much as we can to wait it out.

I hope a blizzard doesn't come. But you can't be too careful. I got enough to last us a few days and returned to the cottage. (Y/N) was still asleep. Just to check, I checked her pulse and she was still alive, thank goodness. I made the fire a little bigger since it was getting small and cooked the meat I found. That's when (Y/N) woke up.

"Your mask is next to you. I covered your face so I didn't see your face," I said.

She put on her mask and I helped her sit up when she said she had the mask on.

"Where did you find food?" She asked.

"I went hunting while you slept. I think there might be a blizzard soon so I got enough for a few days," I explained.

She nodded and got closer to the fire. I wrapped the blanket around her for more warmth. Once the meat was cooked, I put it on plates I found and gave her some. I turned away so she could eat without me seeing her face. I was right about the blizzard. I used anything I could find to cover the holes and cracks in the cottage so the snow didn't get in and made the place even colder. (Y/N) wrapped me in the blanket with her feeling bad that I always went out in the cold while she stayed warm.

She felt useless. I had to assure her she wasn't. She's just been through a lot the past 72 hours. And she's helped me the past few years. Now it's my turn. I held her close to keep her warm and watched the flames and listened to it snap and crack. As the blizzard got worse, we started to get bored trying to wait it out. Trying to make a conversation didn't help because there wasn't much to talk about. I explored the cottage more to see if there's anything, a book or some playing cards or old board games to play but there wasn't anything.

There were some old books but the bookworms had already gotten to them so the pages were damaged, eaten and a lot of the story was missing because of them. I came back to her to see she was trying to fall asleep again. I cuddled and got close to her for warmth because she was shivering. The cottage still wasn't in the greatest condition so the cold was still getting in.

"Once the blizzard is gone and if you can walk, we can start walking and get you home. I promise," I said trying to keep her spirits up.

"I don't doubt it, Loki," she said, "I just want to stay away from HYDRA forever."

"I know. I know. I'm going to make sure you're safe now. You were assigned to watch me three years ago, now it's my turn."

"Didn't anyone tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"My mission to watch you and help you change your ways is over. I've completed my mission. You're free to do whatever you want. Go wherever you want without me being a bother."

"You were never a bother to me. And you still aren't. I'm getting you home no matter what. If you still can't walk, I'll carry you. Get us both home, you warm, well-rested and away from your demons known as HYDRA. That's a promise."

I wanted to tell her that I loved her but I felt like now wasn't the time. We're trying to survive, there's no time for confessions. Besides, I don't think she would believe me anyway. She's the type of girl who will question why I did love her without knowing what her face looked like. Like I said before, I can go the rest of my life with her without knowing what her face looked like, it's about what's inside. Trying to get her to sleep, I softly sang to her. When she did fall asleep, I started to just whisper in her ear compliments and that she is better than she thinks.

I soon fell asleep myself while keeping her close. If she can't stand on her own tomorrow, I will have to carry her. And at this point, with how cold she is, I'm scared of her getting hypothermia and/or frostbite. I will keep the cape and blanket on her but I'm not sure that's enough. I'm going to work with what I have. I do wish I had my comms because we'd be out of here sooner.

When we woke up the next day, the blizzard had past and it was time to get moving, away from here. I fed (Y/N) and gave her something to drink before seeing if she could walk. Very barely. I just picked her up and started to walk away from the cottage. The next part of the mission; get to the town quickly and safely. And don't lose (Y/N) to the cold.

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