Chapter Ten: The Nightmare

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We went inside one of the abandoned ships. It was dark, hardly any lights. If there were, they were very dim. We soon found Unicron talking to the Maximoff twins about Tony. How he's a sickness. How that? We saw a lot of Starks old weapons. The exact things he doesn't make anymore because people were stealing them and used them against him. I mean, his weapons were the reason Tony wears an arc reactor in his chest. Shrapnel from one of his explosives is trying to get into his heart so he has the arc reactor to stop that.

Tony, Steve and Thor stopped Ultron and interrogated him. They asked about the Vibranium. Myself, Loki, Nat and Clint watched from above. But before he explained, Ultron attacked Tony. The two fought while more of Ultron's army attacked us. On top of that, we had the Maximoff twins to worry about and Ulysses' men. The boy is fast and the girl is a witch. We kept fighting until we had problems. The witch was trying to warp our minds. She got Thor first, then Steve, then Nat and me.

I didn't think anything happened until I saw my worst nightmare. I watched as I was tortured by HYDRA. They did something to me then, the next thing I know, I'm on a battlefield with the Avengers in a pile and me standing on top of them in victory. Then I came to my senses and saw all my friends dead.

Loki's POV:

Everyone besides myself, Tony and Clint had been affected by the witch. I didn't hear from (Y/N) about it so I feared the worst. I eventually found her sitting in a corner looking traumatised. And I can see tears in her eyes. I wanted to take her mask off but I don't want to risk it. I looked in her mind to see what she was seeing. She killed us. She tried to see if any of us were alive but we were dead. I stopped looking. Tony asked Nat for a lullaby to calm the Hulk down but that wasn't going to happen.

She's still in her day-mare like everyone else. I did (Y/N) a big favour. I wiped that dream from her memories so she will never see or think of it again. The only one who will is me. I replaced it with something less traumatic. Like confessing to a crush (If she has one) and them not liking her back. That's my nightmare anyway. I was tempted to see who her crush was but I didn't. She's been through enough magic for today. After I finished, she passed out. I picked her up and took her to the Quinn Jet.

Once there, I laid her down and put a blanket over her. Clint and I got the rest of the team in and waited for Tony and the Hulk. We saw on the TV Tony fighting the Hulk in the Hulk Buster. A suit of armour as big as the Hulk should (Y/N) or Nat not be available to calm him down or stop him from destroying everything. While Tony was doing that, I checked on (Y/N) again. She was dreaming about the whole crush thing I created for her but the crush had gone. I could look back on the dream but I don't want to betray her trust or invade her privacy.

She keeps a lot of secrets but I respect her so I don't dare do it. When I came back to reality, she was still asleep and Tony had brought Bruce back. We were then on our way to somewhere Clint called the Safe House. What's the Safe House? Whatever it was, we didn't know about it. By then, the others were still getting over their nightmares. (Y/N) woke up too. I was looking out into the night sky wondering to myself if I should tell her that I changed her dream or not. I can keep that secret for so long.

And she's the one person I don't want to lie to. That's saying a lot from someone who is known for lying. We soon arrived at the Safe House. It was a barn in the middle of what seems like nowhere. This was where Clint's wife, son and daughter lived. And it seems his wife had a third child on the way. As everyone was talking and saying hello, I thought back on (Y/N)'s dream. I know full well she was once a HYDRA experiment before escaping and joined S.H.I.E.L.D. but I didn't think she would dream about being back and then killing us.

It looked like she was forced to do it too. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, bad enough (Y/N). She's been through enough already. We all settled into the house. Well, everyone except Thor who left. He told me he saw something in his dream and he needed answers. He left without saying where he was going. I then sat out on the grass waiting for something to happen. (Y/N) found me and sat with me.

"Did the witch play with your fears?" (Y/N) asked.

"No. But you did. I saw it," I said.


"I can look and read your mind, (Y/N). Remember I did it to see your past."

"I choose to forget it," (Y/N) looked away.

We sat in silence. Well, I've made my choice.

"I have to confess something," I said.

"What?" She asked.

"I changed your dream. I couldn't bear you remembering what I saw. Please forgive me."

"I forgive you," I looked at her rather shocked, "if it was so bad you had to change it for me, I thank you for doing it."

We talked a while longer. (Y/N) made a daisy chain, placed it on my head and treated me like a king. I could only chuckle and play along. It's the least I can do. I have noticed she tries to live the childhood she never had in her adult life and I respect that. Besides, it's fun to watch. I'm growing a liking for this mysterious masked girl.

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