Goodbye forever freedom

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I woke up in a bright white room and I could feel my fox being very close to me. It took me some time to adjust to the brightness but once my eyes did I quickly realized I was in an interrogation room.

My hands were chained to the desk. My fox was laying on the desk right in between my hands. A closer look to the cuffs that are chained to the table I realized they were not quirk cancelling cuffs.


I than started to look around and saw a two-sided mirror.

I wonder who is there...

Me: I am up so if you want to come in than please be my guest!

The door opened and my father came in with the detective.

Enji: We will ask you some question son. No need to panic.

Me: Fine by me. But can you get the chains off me? They don't work at all on me. Either you put them down or I will melt them. I hate to be chained!

The detective nodded and removed them.

Detective: Are you the pyromaniac called Pyro?

Me: Yes.

There were some buttons on the desk and I believed it were only there to indicated if I lie or tell the truth. Tsukauchi as I remembered pressed the green button. This was all I needed as a confirmation that my theory was right.

Detective: Why did you stop being Pyro?

Me: Cause I now go by Nogitsune.

Enji: Why?

Me: Cause I am as sly as a fox. You didn't even realize that I was a traitor and an informant for the LOV.

Detective: Why are you working for the LOV?

Me: Freedom.

Before I could say anything else Hawks and Aizawa came in.

Hawks: You told me to be free and that you knew the feeling of being caged. Are they holding something against you?

Me: Yes.

Aizawa: What?

Me: Life.

Hawks: Are they threatening you?

Me: Did you see that creature or as they call nomu?

Detective: Yes and?

Me: It was specially created to kill me and withstand my flames.

Ejire: But you killed it.

Me: Correction, Viridian did.

Aizawa: Is that the name of your fox?

Me: Yes.

Aizawa: Is that your quirk?

Me: Part of it!

Hawks: You are free from them now. You don't have to kill anymore.

Me: I will never be free.

Detective: What do you mean?

Me: They will always find a way to get me back.

Hawks: But you are here right now, aren't you?

Me: And who says that they might not have the capacities to get here?

They all looked at each other unsure what to think off. Then the door opened again and Nezu walked in.

The chimera walked towards me and climbed up the second chair opposite to me. My fox was still resting. I could tell that he was injured and that he was healing himself.

Me: What happened to Dabi and Shoto?

Nezu: Worried about others, I see.

Me: They are my brothers after all.

Nezu: Shoto was given another chance since he never killed anyone.

Me: That's good to hear. He also never made his villain name official.

Enji: He had a villain name?

Me: Yes and it was a good one. He called himself Hellfrost.

Aizawa: *Sigh* Another problem child.

Nezu: Dabi or Touya is a little bit more difficult.

Me: He has a pretty high kill count and is also known as a pyromaniac, that much I know. What will happen to him?

Nezu: Are you not the least bit concerned what will happen to you?

Me: I don't care as long as they are safe!

Nezu: Very intriguing!

Me: So what will happen to him?

Nezu: I pulled some strings and they are both as well as you in UA custody from now on.

I see...

I am too dangerous for the dark side!

You would rather make me a hero then to let me fall into the wrong hands.

Smart move.

Me: I understand.

Hawks: Are you not happy?

Me: I already told you. I don't care what happens to me.

Nezu: How come?

Me: Because I realized that, I could never be free. However, I must say, it is better being with you and having a little bit more of it than with my Master.

I spit out the last word with so much venom that I woke up Viridian. My fox heard me mention him and immediately turned its flame up.


For everyone in the room it were just animal noises since he was in his physical form but for me and Nezu not.

Nezu: Why do you hate him so much?

Viridian: He used Izu as if he was a toy he could just throw away. That man deserves to die and rot in hell!

Nezu: Who is that Man?

Viridian: Hisashi Midoriya!

Me: I believe you know him more as All for One.

The moment I said that a portal opened behind me, I could see it by the reflection of the tinted glass. A pair of strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me in.

Viridian: IZU!

Me: Grab one of Hawks feather!

My fox immediately jumped at Hawks and bite one of his feathers off his wing.

The winged hero didn't see that coming.


My fox than jumped right after me before the portal closed itself. I was in some kind of warehouse and I immediately was about to catch my fox before he could touch the ground as it was covered in oil. I didn't need to get the building on fire not unless I know what was in it.

Me: Hide!

I had this bad feeling that we were not alone for long. I took hawks feather and put it in one of my pockets. I knew that the hero could track me with it. He could feel his feathers and that was all that was important right now.

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