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Chapter 3


It had been 10 years since that fateful night. Miles Potter was now 11, and in about a week, he'd be going to Hogwarts. Despite being spoiled by his parents and the Headmaster of Hogwarts, he'd turned out to be a pretty good kid. He was grateful for what he had, and what he had was a vast assortment of belongings that most children his age would love to own. 

His room was spacious, the second to the master bedroom, where James and Lily slept. He had his own private bathroom, with a large bathtub and shower. His room was enormous. The walls were bedecked with Quidditch posters, making the Gryffindor red wallpaper with gold trim nearly possible to see. He had a king-sized bed, though instead of matching the room, and much against James' wishes, Miles had opted for dark green bedcovers. This was allowed only under the condition that they could magically change color when there were guests present. 

Besides that, there were a lot of other things in the room. Miles had a large bookshelf against one wall, an area with comfy beanbag chairs near that. He had the various assortment of figurines and toy cars as well. Not only that, but Miles had a great interest in music. Despite being from a wizard family, he thought that music was magic of its own. He already had a piano in the room, and for a birthday a few years back, his godfather, Sirius, had given him a guitar, which he'd of course signed. 

Miles had more toys than he knew what to do with. Truth be told, he hadn't really wanted most of them. The majority were gifts, and a good portion of those were from fans of the Boy Who Lived, as they called him. Miles wasn't one for all the attention, and though he appreciated the gesture, he secretly thought that there were a lot of other kids who could use those toys more than he did. 

He'd asked Lily and James about donating the stuff he didn't need, but they declined, saying that only once Miles was too old for the toys would they be given away. After all, they'd explained, the children who came to the various parties held at Potter Manor would need something to play with when they were with Miles. It was a battle he couldn't win, and knowing this, he dropped the topic. 

As much as he thought the children who came to his parties were alright, he didn't care for most of them all too much. For example, the Weasley children were absolutely insufferable. At least the ones he was introduced to. Ron and Ginny Weasley were a pain to deal with. Ron would follow him around and often would drag Miles away when he went to play with some other kids. Ginny was slightly better, though she also had a habit of tailing him. 

The twins, Fred and George, were by far his favorite, though their older brothers, Bill and Charlie, were pretty fun as well. He'd only met the others a few times though, at family gatherings. The twins were constantly pulling pranks, and Miles was all too happy to join in when they asked him. This had been the pride of James and Sirius, who were enthusiastic that Miles would "continue their legacy", as they put it. Remus had just shook his head, rolling his eyes at their antics, though Miles had caught him restraining a smirk multiple times.

His other uncle, Peter, was never there. He'd met him once or twice of course, but had never really liked the man. He was always twitchy, looking around the room, and once Miles had spotted him pocketing a nice goblet of the Potter's. Miles had caught him at it, but James had believed Peter's story of simply admiring the crest adorning it. 

It did just as well though since due to his absence, Peter had never been very present in their lives. Sirius and Remus had been named his and Harry's godfathers, and since Miles personally adored them, that was just fine for him. 

There were others that Miles got along with, though due to certain circumstances, he didn't get to see them that often. Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, and Daphne Greengrass had come to his parties before, and Miles had taken a liking to them. So, to please his son, James allowed them to come over more often, despite his not wanting to. 

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