Truth at Midnight

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'Oh... you're all alone.'


A conflicted aura entered Hadrian's sphere it seemed -

"Hadrian," the voice interrupted Hadrian's thoughts.

Hadrian picked up his suit jacket and pulled it on, one sleeve at a time. Painfully slow. The green material melted warmly to his figure, highlighting his tall muscular frame. Long strong fingers buttoned the emerald waist, pulling it snuggly around his centre.

Hadrian turned slowly, towards the voice.

Daphne Greengrass stood in the doorway to Malfoy Manor. There was an indignant fire in her eyes that Hadrian could only suspect was a result of being made to wait. Hadrian had taken his time on purpose, not to annoy Daphne, but to give himself a moment to think.

He needed a clear head.

The dark haired beauty crossed her arms slowly, a look of amused understanding crossing her dark features. Daphne brushed up against the doorway, her shoulder leaning in, resting against it. A curved slender hip jutted out to the side. The movement wasn't intended to be seductive. Hadrian almost laughed. Daphne, at times, seemed to have no idea how beautiful she was. Even when she seemed to be aware of it, she saw it as a curse rather than a gift.

"Something's happened," Hadrian said, finally disclosing.

As soon as he uttered those words Hadrian felt a small weight lift off his shoulders, allowing him to relax slightly. Completely unaware of the effect on Hadrian, Daphne laughed, her beautiful face morphing into a multitude of emotions before finally resting on a picture of mocking refuge.

"No shit," Daphne laughed once more, the light sound reverberating into the night.

Hadrian's body shook with a rush of indignant anger. Daphne's sharp disrespectful tone seemed to have hit a nerve. There was a fleeting nervousness that shone in her eyes, forcing Hadrian to try to reign in his reaction.

Well, as much as he could, it was starting to get harder.

Daphne saw the change in Hadrian, a momentary viscousness, a flash of rage contorting his usually cool expression. But then it was gone making her wonder if she had seen anything at all. Daphne blinked, centering herself before stepping out from the safety of the manor to walk towards Hadrian. The stunning green dress shimmered in the night, reflecting off the light of the moon. The earthy sequins shone back against the skin of her neck, causing appealing swirling patterns to dance upon her throat.

"Look, Hadrian, I love you..." Daphne paused, collecting her thoughts.

"But..." Hadrian laughed mockingly.

"You're not nice," Daphne stated, eyes narrowing at Hadrian's mood, "you never have been. And that's ok. We know that and we're used to it. But you usually have boundaries - a line you don't cross, especially when it comes to us. What just happened upstairs, was beyond anything you've ever done before. That wasn't just about Pansy, something else is going on..."

"I don't want to talk about what happened with Pansy," Hadrian snapped.

"Well, we're going to," Daphne stepped closer, clenching her small fists.

"Are we?" Hadrian's eyes twinkled a little darker, looking down at her, "really?"

Daphne hated it when he used that damn condescending tone. She had heard him use it plenty of times at Hogwarts. It was Hadrian's go-to for subjecting the students that pissed him off to humiliation and embarrassment. That nonchalant patronisation was so fucking effective, that it always brought tears to their eyes. It wasn't often that he used it on his friends, but when he did, it seemed twice as hurtful.

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