Murderous Suffocation

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She wears fire like a crown and when the devil glanced her way - you can be sure that he winked.


Dahlia couldn't breathe.

On the outside she looked just like the devil or perhaps its female counterpart. The smile that lit up her features was all wrong, it was formed with a type of fractured malice rather than any sort of sincerity. What many people wouldn't notice, however, was that the sordid smirk that had formed upon her pretty face trembled. Out of experience she kept her terror buried deep within herself, away from the world and away from those who could use it against her.

"You want to wrap your hands around my throat. Don't you?" Dahlia asked coldly.

Anger radiated from Hadrian's features, she could see it in the tightness of his jaw and in the hardness of his eyes. Dahlia watched him intently, her dark brown eyes dancing across the sharp angles and dark shadows of his face. Of course she didn't look at his eyes - she didn't want to look. Every time her warm brown gaze found his own icy gleam, she felt as if she lost a piece of herself - a small perhaps overlooked but crucial piece.

The purposeful evasion didn't last long as their dark gazes eventually clashed, the two earthy tones connecting but remaining guarded. In the darkness, the glinting green glimmered - the irises seeming way too comfortable in the dark. Hadrian Potter had no difficulty with seeing the world without a light.

"Of course not," Hadrian responded sweetly.

Despite his tender comment, Dahlia watched as Hadrian's fingers twitched and his gaze dropped to her throat. She could virtually feel the anger and irritation radiating from his body - steam practically billowed out of his ears. Dahlia knew she had struck a nerve but she continued to watch his anger with neurotic mesmerisation. Every part of his body was tense and still - he looked seconds away from losing it. Hadrian's eyes drilled into hers causing a shiver to work its way through her veins. Dahlia's heart began to race and her breath slowly came to a stop.

Hadrian watched her carefully, his eyes finding her vivacious curves; the strong ass, the slender waist and the smooth swell of her chest as she took each breath. It was true, she was as beautiful as she was vicious - how treacherously twisted was that? Hadrian took a menacing step closer and his mind went back to the time he had seen her naked and vulnerable in front of him. No, he took that back. When Dahlia had stood bare before him he had never seen her so fierce, she had owned herself and had only given what she had wanted to give. Right now, however, Hadrian saw her weaknesses and he saw her fear - it was potent, perilous and pure. And yet, the bitchy boldness that lifted her lip to snarl and turned her warm brown eyes to black, still remained.

Dahlia's eyebrows arched contemptuously as she watched his intimate assessment of her body. Once again, her bitchy facade calmed her heart allowing her to continue to breathe. The truth was she felt as if she was going to collapse - the ground beneath her felt unsteady and the world around her began to spin. No, no... she couldn't let him see her like this, no one could see this. Hadrian took another step closer and Dahlia felt like screaming, her skin became heated and her heart felt raw and hollow.

"I saw you strangle a girl once..." Dahlia revealed tightly, her eyes glinting.

Hadrian's eyes connected with hers once more and she watched as they set ablaze. It was now Hadrian's turn to become motionless. Dahlia swallowed down the suffocating fear that tightened her throat and pinched at her heart. Yes, she could do this. Dahlia refused to acknowledge or to consider Hadrian's rigid anticipation as threatening, instead the dark haired girl swallowed tightly and arched a brow.

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