Plans and Observations

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Once upon a time, an angel and a devil, pressed their hands to their hearts, and started an apocalypse.


Alec and Hadrian stood inside the stone walls of Potter Manor. Hadrian brought the cigarette up to his lips, pulling in the toxic smoke only to release it a moment later. The grey vapour didn't last long in the warm summer air, as it faded out into the night. The moon captured the shadows of Hadrian's face, holding them prisoner as he regarded the place he was supposed to call home.

The Manor was lit up with various lights and lanterns, making it seem homey and welcoming. But that wasn't the case, Hadrian knew that first hand. Not just anyone could waltzed in, not even him. The sound of Alec vomiting cut through Hadrian's contemplation.

"Fuck." Alec Morti hissed, bent over in the bush.

"Your fault." Hadrian muttered under a breath.

Alec turned his unforgiving gaze onto Hadrian. The dark boy's face was pale, his skin damp with fever. Hadrian regarded his friend with a twisted heart and gritted teeth. He watched as Alec turned back around and shoved his fingers down his throat. Hadrian looked away when he vomited, his eyes focusing on the windows of the house. There were lights on, not all but a few - not everyone was sleeping.

"Why the fuck would you give me that shit?" Alec groaned, anger still noticeable in his voice.

"If I hadn't you would have done something stupid," Hadrian responded, his voice deep and husky from the smoke.

Hadrian was leant up against the old brick wall that acted as a property line around the Potter residence. He looked down at his friend, with his feet crossed and arms folded.

"No, I would have been fine. It would have worn off in a day or two." Alec gritted his teeth.

"What if it hadn't?" Hadrian spoke seriously, moving away from the wall.

"You dosed my fucking drink!" Alec's voice darkened, causing Hadrian to still.

Hadrian knew how dangerous Alec could be when he was sober. Now that he was high, it was a much darker story. Hadrian readied himself but remained casual. He lifted a hand and raked it through his dark hair, dragging the charcoal strands out of his eyes. The summer sun had long disappeared, causing the air to cool but by only a fraction. It was still humid evidenced by Hadrian's shirt, which clung stubbornly to his skin.

Alec Morti stood up straight, tipping his head back to look up at the sky - a deep heavy breath left his body. Hadrian wasn't sure what Alec was looking at but it wasn't long before he lowered his head back down and moved across the garden.

Alec stopped by a large fountain, that sat amongst a summer flower bed. A stone carving of a young girl danced at the centre of it. As Alec touched the water, the girl came to life, spinning in a never ending pivot. Alec didn't even look up, he was too busy scooping the cool, clear water into mouth and onto his face.

"This place is fucking incredible." Alec spoke simply, after a while.

Hadrian's green eyes locked onto Alec's for a moment, surprised by the comment. He looked up at his family home, trying to find some sort of attachment to it. It felt strange being back here, especially now that he was with Alec. His two worlds were clashing.

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