Chapter 2

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Dawn came both teens were standing in front of the bakery with the bikes about to leave. "You know I'm gonna miss Paris and this bakery," Marinette said admiring her past home one last time. "Yeah the bodyguards may have been trained to fight but they make a pretty good pastry." The blue-haired girl nodded at her brother's words.

"Good thing they gave us their very last batch of goodies to take on the road." She said with a smile. "Really but I thought they went back to the organization a few days ago," he asked confused "they did but they made some ahead of time for us" she was so happy. Tom and Sabine might not be their real parents but they took good care of the two while still training them.

"Ok are we ready to go home for good," she asked Nino with a hopeful smile. "Yeah we are before you ask we have snacks, our stuff is packed, I filled the motorcycles with fuel yesterday and texted Adrien that we will meet them there but not to tell anyone happy," he asked the girl and she nodded getting onto the bike. With that they left Paris, driving to the south of France.

An hour later: 6:30 am

"Hello, students glad to see you all here, now before we leave I have to do a headcount and then we can go" the teacher did the role but noticed only two students weren't there. She looked around but no sign of them "have any of you seen Nino & Marinette" the teacher asked her students. "Miss we all know Marinette will be late but why hasn't Nino showed up yet and have any of you tried to call him," Lila said a little too smugly.

All Lila could think about was getting rid of Marinette and having her perfect holiday with Adrien and getting him to fall for her. "Why do we need to wait for them they clearly can't stay on time so why bother waiting for them, they aren't even that important " Chloe said snapping the girl out of thoughts. "Miss Nino won't answer my calls I'm worried" Alya, said wondering where he could be. "Don't worry class they are fine I'm sure of it but we need to leave now or we will be late and they will be expecting us at 10 pm so let's get on the bus shall we?" the teacher said trying to calm down the students.

The students got onto the bus most of the time was spent with Lila telling the class her stories or lies. Chloe spent most of this time online shopping or painting her nails. Adrien would send a text to Nino every once in a while asking where he was and how he was doing. The last time he had sent a text was an hour ago and Nino sent him a funny picture. Saying they had arrived an hour ago with Marinette. Now the class had just arrived in front of the manor.

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