Chapter 15

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America was walking down the hall when he heard a voice "AMERICA" America kept walking, the voice spoke again "AMERICA SLOW DOWN PENDEJO!!" America yelled something back before running out of the building. The country bolted as fast as he could to his house, he stopped and walked in. He saw California sobbing all while being surrounded by other states. America made his way through and knelt down next to his state. California looked at America "A-Amer-ric-ca..?"

America nodded "Hey bud.." Cali let out a cry and grabbed America's hand, gripping it. America gripped onto Cali's hand softly. "Cali it's gonna be ok, you're gonna be just fine, I promise" Cali spoke more clearly "A-am I-? T-this is the w-wor-rst it's e-ever be-en.." America sighed "You are gonna be ok, you'll pull through this, ok?" Cali nodded and smiled a bit. America softly let out a chuckle before smiling. America turned his head to Texas and spoke "Go get ice water for him, please" Texas nodded and walked away.

Meanwhile, back with Russia

Russia sat anxiously in his seat, he fidgeted with his fingers in the table in front of him. He was hesitant to get up, but he knew he would need to. The meeting wouldn't be done for a few more hours, he had to leave soon. He had to be there for Cali. He swallowed hard before pushing himself out of his chair and saying "I need to go." He began walking out of the room, before he heard a voice speak "Russia, stop." Russia turned his head "Hm?" The voice was UN, the union spoke again "Where are you going?"

Russia took a deep breath "I'm a busy country, things to do places to be, ya know? I just need to go" and without another word he walked out. He began to walk down the hall casually, fearing that someone was watching him. But soon panic got the best of him and he rushed out of the building and towards his home. He entered the house, he was out of breath. He saw America on the ground next to California. Russia walked over and carefully knelt down "Sorry I didn't get here sooner" Cali laughed a bit "I-It's fi-ine Pap-pa--!"

Time skippy skip

America was sitting next to a sleeping California, America had taken the state to his room. America sighed softly and carefully and quietly he got up and walked out of the room. It was late and all other states were sleeping. America sighed again and walked into the living room. When he didn't see Russia he walked into his bedroom, the Russian looked up from the book he had been reading "Hey Ame..!" America smiled "Hey Ruski" before going and sitting down next to Russia on the bed. Russia put his book on the nightstand before wrapping his arms around America, smiling. America laughed a bit and smiled "I love you Russ" Russia put his head on America's shoulder "Love you too"

New. Chapter. Go. Brrrr. Anyways have a good day/night, I'm out! - Mika

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