Chapter 7 - Hėş bąčķ

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The silence was then filled with small footsteps coming from the hallway. America froze at the sound of the foot steps. Russia recognised the foot steps and stood up in surprise. The door was quickly shoved open by 3 young, terrified states (Maryland, California, Alaska) . The entire room stared at the state's before America and Russia said in complete unison "What are you guys doing here?" The oldest of the group at age 10, Maryland, just ran over to America, hugged him and began sobbing. The other two ran over to Russia and hugged him tightly. Russia and America knelt down to the children so it was easier for the kids to hug them. When the kids calmed down decently Russia spoke in a calm voice "What happened?" The room was silent before Maryland spoke "..Him. He's back" America froze at this "No...he can't be back..he's dead.." Russia and America stared at eachother before UK spoke "America who's 'him'?" "...You remember Confederacy, right?" "Uh yes...but you killed him..?" "Yes. Or so I thought I guess.." at the sound of Confederacy's name all of the kids hugged the adult they where hugging more.

America looked at the kids "Where are the rest of your siblings..?" California spoke up from over by Russia "We don't know...when he came he tried to take some of we just scattered. I think he might have hurt Texas and Wisconsin, mabye Florida...but that's all that I saw.." Russia looked at Alaska "All that you saw..?" The state nodded "I don't know what the other states saw.." Russia and America glanced at eachother before Russia spoke "Well...what did the rest of you see..?" The rest of the state's muttered their answer, so what they said was they saw turns out that all states had escaped, thankfully and that only a few states had been injured. Now they had to find 47 states that are god knows where. America sighed and looked at the terrified states before speaking "Well..we need to find my states before he does." The rest of the country's nodded, still shocked at what was happening.

After one hour or so they had almost all the state's rounded up, they where missing four states still, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin. America had an idea of where the group may be and France was the closest, so he called his mother, who was spending time near the location, where the group probably was, which was the lakes. France began walking around the lakes calling out the names of the states when she heard rustling in some bushes near her. She turned towards the bushes and spoke out "Michigan? Minnesota? Illinois? Wisconsin?" The rustling stopped and very quiet whispers could bearly be heard. After a while a state peeked out of the bushes "Who are you and what do you want?" France was a bit tired of walking around so she sighed and knelt down on the ground "My name is France and I'm your father's mother, I've been looking for you kids for the last 25-30 minutes" the state looked a bit confused before speaking again "How do we know you aren't lying and that you won't take us to him?" France looked at the state and laughed "A stubborn and protective one aren't cha? Well, I swear on my life that I'm not lying. I helped your father out with his revolution" the state looked down before looking back up at France "W-Well I guess we can trust you know what-" the state was cut off as there was a whimper like noise followed by a thud, the state spun around and froze. France got up and went over to the bushes and looked in them, what she saw was a state on the ground with a what appeared to be a slash on his chest. The French woman stared before grabbing the state and carefully pulling him out of the bushes. France looked at the terrified state before using her scarf to cover the slash and to slow down the bleeding coming from the wound.

She looked back at the bushes "all of you come out here now." The state's slowly came out from the bushes one by one and looked up at France "Now tell me your names so I know what to call each of you" the state she first saw spoke up "Wel...I'm Illinois" another state spoke "I'm Minnesota" the French woman turned her head to the last state "and you?" "I'm Michigan, and the state your holding is Wisconsin" "huh..alright well, all of you follow me. I know where your siblings are, your father and some other country's have them rounded up." Minnesota looked up at France confused "only one of our dad's where looking for us?" "What do you mean?" "We have two dad's now. America and Russia are our dad's" France laughed a bit "so Ame finally found love? Nice. Well let's get going" she said and turned in the direction of the building. France began fast-walking, not going to fast as to not cause the wounded state in her arms to bleed more, but not slow enough to take forever. She kept going till the building cane into view. She paused and looked around her to make sure that all states where still with her, all where, so she continued. She could tell that the state's where still completely terrified so she began talking softly, "You know, you four remind me of when my kids where young, you four have personalities a bit like theirs.." Michigan looked down a bit "really..?" "Mhm" "that's cool..!"

Soon enough France had reached the door of the room that the state's and countries where, she looked at the state in her arms who had at this point fell asleep before opening the door. She walked in, the state's in tow getting met by surprised silence and starring.

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