Chapter 19

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A few days have passed, and America was sitting in silence. Not paying attention to anyone else speaking. He was busy with his own thoughts, Dixie is reverting. He needs Dixie to re-form.

It's the only way to silence him. Killing him will force him into a re-form. He was scribbling a few things down, he had brought a notebook with him for some reason.

"America?" A voice spoke. America paused whatever he was scribbling and looked up.

"Yes?" America said. He then realized that it was only his brother, sitting next to him. His brothers eyes flicked from the notebook back to America.

"What's...all that?" He then motioned to the first page. America looked down at the book, there was a few things listed.

On that one page there was types of knives listed, and a few pistols here and there. Below that list there was rooms in his home listed.

Such as a spare room, one of the basement rooms, a spare closet, and a few other rooms. On the second page there was some...descriptive stuff. Like, gory descriptions.

America paused and looked at what he had stopped doing, he was in the middle of writing something. "Death to th-" was all it read. Death to the what? He didn't know.

He could only blame his subconscious. America looked back at his brother and shrugged.

"America, Canada, what are you two chatting about that's so important?" The new voice made America and his brother snap their heads in front of themselves.

America and Canada snuck a look to each other and then spoke in sync

"Nothing!" The two said. The two finally realized who they were speaking to, it was just UN. UN looked down at the notebook.

"Then what's that?" He said. America shut the notebook.

"Nothing important." He spoke. UN started towards America. America grabbed the notebook with one hand and threw it like a Frisbee.

It went flying over towards Japan, who  immediately ducked. The book went flying right through the open window behind Japan. America looked at UN dead in the eyes.

"Whoops." He said. The room was dead quiet. America glanced over to Australia, who gave him a look. The look just read "you son of a bitch." Australia took one more second of silence.

He then started to smile slowly, which turned into his bursting out laughing. New Zealand quickly followed. Pretty soon quite a few people were cracking up.

Even UN cracked a slight smile. The room was full of laughter. UN looked at America.

"Alright, alright. That's fair and all but I'm still suspicious of you." America smiled a bit and nodded. Atleast he survived that.

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