Chapter 3 - Panic

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"Ý0ų'2ę åñ ¡đıøț. Ýöų ķňöw țhāţ, ř¡9hţ?" The supposedly dead being asked. The American stared at this being, the 'flag' on its face was very hard to tell what or who's it is/was "the hell do you mean..? And who are you..?" The American asked. The being laughed again "ýøű řəàļ1y äřę âņ ıđì0ţ!" America kept staring "What..?" "Īț'ş ç0ň7ų§ìņ9 høw ý0u đøņ'ț ķñőw wh0 ī åm" America kept staring trying to recognize this being, but was unable. The being seemed to come out of the mirror and stand in front of the American. America backed up slightly as the being stood in front of him. The beings flag suddenly became clear, America stared in surprise and fear as he recognised the one person he never wanted to see again. Confederacy. "Řəmëmbéř MĒ!?" The dead being said. America stared and shook slightly out of fear. The being laughed crazily again and seemed to throw a heavy punch at the American before disappearing. America got hit with a large pain and let out a loud scream before falling against the wall and clutching his stomach.

With Russia, a few minutes or so earlier

Russia was standing near the males restroom thinking about America's actions 'he was acting more weird that usual...he didn't even have one of his snarky responses to UN's comment.." The Russian stood next to the bathroom waiting for America to come out so he could ask him about what had happened, despite knowing the two where 'enemies' and that and America would probably ignore him. He stood there listening to the noise of everyone's voices when a loud (muffled) scream with an American accent split the air near Russia followed by a thud.

Present time

Russia stood there in shock before walking into the bathroom and seeing America against the wall clutching his stomach, coughing and breathing heavily. America had a look of pure terror and fear on his face. Russia went and keeled down next to the America "America are you ok?" The American, still coughing and breathing heavily, managed to shake his head somehow. Russia, having known America since the two where kids, recognised the signs of one of America's panic attacks. Russia knew how to calm the American down easily, so he did exactly what he knew to do and America calmed down slowly. The Russian looked at America a bit concerned "What even happened?" "T-the hell do you care?" "So I don't have the right to be concerned for someone I know?" "...Touche" "exactly. Now tell me what happened." "No. You'll think I'm crazy." "No I won't trust me. With 14 siblings I've heard some very crazy shit" " you remember the story of Confederacy?" "да" "well uh...I kinda saw...I guess it was his 'spirit' and he somehow attacked me.." "...oh damn.." The American nodded slightly "So do you think I'm crazy..?" "нет. I've heard to much about ghosts, spirits, entitys, etc to think you're crazy" "o-oh.." America said quietly

The Russian glanced at the door and stood up "we should go back out before people get suspicious of us" America nodded and slowly got up. The two walked out of the bathroom and went their separate ways, they got a reputation of being enemies to keep up ya know. America stood near the large table and he pulled out his phone and checked the time '12:10'. He was about to go tell his family he had to go when he was rushed by his siblings "oh thank god you're ok!" His Canadian brother said. "Of course I'm ok. Why wouldn't I be?"  "W-well we saw Russia enter the bathroom and we thought he would attack you..." hearing this caused America to shove down laughter "oh...well he didn't attack me at all. He actually helped me" this time New Zealand spoke "he did? With what?" "Well uh...let's just say I had a panic attack for reasons and he called me down pretty quickly" "You had a panic attack? Why?" "Reasons." "What reasons?" "A few. Now I have some shit to do so I gotta go" "tell us the reas-" "gotta go now. Tell mom and dad I said bye!" America said turning and leaving.

Let's check in with Russia

Russia stood against a wall when some of his siblings came up to him, probably to question him. "Russiaaaaa!" His younger Belarusian brother half yelled "What do you all want?" The Russian responded in a pissy-ish tone. His Ukrainian brother spoke this time "Ouch. We just wanted to ask about what happened with you and the American" Russia rolled his eyes "Nothing." "Ya sureeee? You two where in there for a long while" "yes I'm sure. Now shoo" "Aw c'mon!" Kazakhstan said in a whine like tone "I'm not going to play your games right now." "Just because you're 24 and the rest of us are 20-16 don't mean where playing games!" "Oh shush it. оставь меня в покое, я собираюсь вернуться в свой дом." (leave me alone, I'm going to return to my house) "dang it!" At this Russia turned and left. His Ukrainian brother looked at the door that Russia left through "rude" Kaz elbowed him "no shit Sherlock" "oh shut up"

Russia began his walk back to his home. He walked in silence until he reaches his home. He walked inside his pretty messy house almost stepping on an empty bottle of vodka. He went and sat on his couch and his cat, Treasure and curled up next to him. He looked at his cat and smiled before petting the large cat. He decided to do something good with his time and clean. He put on some headphones and turned on music. He was lightly muttering the lyrics and drinking out of a vodka bottle when he heard a knock at his door. He carefully took off his headphones and went to the door, he wasn't expecting what he saw. He saw America.

To be continued next chapter

Word count: 1015

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