Chapter 8: My hero

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Midoriya POV:

What's happening? Another villain attack?

After that loud noise from outside the gates. The ground suddenly started to shake. The alarms came on making other students panic. The school locked the doors to keep us safe but other students wanted to break the doors and get out of this place.

Some were calling their parents while others were trying to calm themselves. The shaking began to stop when a voice suddenly spoke.

"Good morning students, please remain calm heroes will handle the situation."

The voice told us that will be safe... What a relief-

"Thank you-"

The voice then started to change. A while ago we thought we were safe but when the voice started to speak we just stood there listening.... Scared.

"You guys are probably confused right now aren't you? Well don't worry we're not planning to hurt you~ we just wanted to visit you all."

As the voice continues we hear his conversation with Mr. Aizawa.

Interesting... How is he able to have a conversation with him? Is this some kind of quirk doing? Or maybe... His inside the school? But the noise came from the outside but then again they must be a gang of villains. So some of them are probably inside the school? The thought of that made me keep my guard on. You never know what they're planning nor when they'll strike.

"Well, that's no fun... Too bad the heroes won't be able to join us so why not let the students play?"

What he said made us all froze...

The heroes...

"So we have to fight them..."
After last week's accident I...

"So does anyone wanna play a game?~"


After that, some students were running around trying to find an escape. while some of them just stood there thinking... Listening....

Both me and Todoroki were there just standing in the middle of the hallways with a bunch of students running around.

If heroes can't save us then who will?

The thought of that made me want to fight them. But who are we up against? If it's not the League of Villains then who are they...

While my head was up against the clouds... Todoroki suddenly started to run towards the windows

I was confused but I decided to follow him. The voice then started to speak... he didn't say anything but he kept on laughing in his mic making other students tremble in fear. Some even tried to destroy the speakers.

When both of us reached the windows... I got shocked by what I saw. A huge force field around the school.

Is this the reason why heroes can't come in? My eyes suddenly landed on a group of people outside the school doors. They were dressed up as clowns but they didn't look fun at long. Some wore full makeup on their faces while some of them had scary-looking masks on.

I turned my head towards Todoroki but he was nowhere to be found...


I tried to look for him but I only saw students roaming around.




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