- eighteen

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Trix's body shook and she lunged foreword as she was guided to a small cottage in the woods

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Trix's body shook and she lunged foreword as she was guided to a small cottage in the woods.

She watched as all the Auradon students and staff had been either put asleep or turned to stone.

If she wasn't feeling bad now the fact that she had just been dragged past her brother and friends- and what she could've sworn was Uma made her feel worse, as none of them had noticed her.

"-Why not put her to good use."

"I can be of use."

Trix was sat in a chair and her eyebrows furrowed into confusion when she saw Chad's head being pet like a puppy.

"I don't have use for her at the moment I suppose..."

Audrey giggled like a child at christmas and turned to Trix, "You will spy on them."

Trix stood up and crossed her arms, "And why in Wonderland would I do that?"

Audrey tilted her head and Alice just sat in the corner, bored with the girl.

"I know you can turn into a cat, so let's start there."

Trix cursed herself for not thinking ahead and before she could register she was staring up at Audrey in the form of a black cat.

"You will report back anything you see, and if you don't...i'll just turn another person into stone."


Trix was teleported into one of the castles rooms, it was empty and her body acted on instinct, not hers of course- just the spell Audrey had casted.

"This way."

Trix's cat form went invisible and she watched as the group of teens, a dog, and a child walked around in confusion.

"Cat boy's smelling an awful lot like his sister," Dude mentioned, not paying attention to the looks he was receiving from Carlos and Ty.

The two boys had been so busy juggling everything else that they felt guilty for forgetting Trix was not with them.

The group walked into the room and started to break off, having minor arguments with each other.

Trix's body had morphed back into her original form and when the sounds of metal armor started to shake and her eyes met Carlos's she knew Audrey or Alice had put her in a trap and had planned for her to fight them.


From the outside the girl looked like she was on guard but from the inside she was screaming and doing everything she could to stop herself.

"Let me deal with her," Ty placed a hand on Carlos's shoulder and though the boy was reluctant to say no, he knew Ty would know how to fight her.

"I don't want to do this Trix."

"Well that's a you problem."

Trix lunged towards Ty and simultaneously all the others started to fight the remaining suits of armor.

Trix went into full Wonderland mode and started to swing her sword like she once learned.

Ty tried his best to hit her in the weakest spots but it was as if her body was on ten.

"Ty, she's being controlled," Mal ran over and held Trix back, being carful to not do a lot of damage to the girl.

"By who?" Audrey?"

"Don't you ever stop talking."

Trix rolled her eyes and kicked her legs under both Mal and Ty, causing them to fall on her back.

She then pinned Harry to the wall with daggers that somehow Audrey had supplied her with.

In disbelief, Carlos stood still and watched as the girl walked up to him and threw him to the ground, putting her knee on his chest.

"You shouldn't stare."

"Kinda hard not to when your girlfriend is fighting you and her friends."

Trix rolled her eyes and in one swift motion Carlos had tied her hands behind her back, "This isn't you Trix."

The girl just stayed quiet and from the cottage Alice was yelling at Audrey for not keeping a better hold on the girl, for the spell had already started to wear off.

"Yeah you're right, but this is."

Trix once again flipped the pair around and pressed their lips together, Carlos had missed her so much that he just cupped her face and hugged her close.

"We were fighting and you two were flirting?"

Jay's voice brought Carlos back to his senses and he quickly put his sword up to Trix's throat, "How do I know this is my Trix?"

The girl's eyes softened, "Last monday you took Dude out for ice-cream instead of me. But did you just call me yours?"

Even in a flustered state Carlos brought the girl into his arms and held her close, lightly kissing the side of her head.

"Will you two get over here and stop the lovey dovey nonsense."

Trix and Carlos joined the group and the girl found it best not to ask why Uma, Harry, and Gil had suddenly joined the team.

"Okay so the boys can go find Ben and we can go find Audrey," Mal informed, ignoring the way Uma rolled her eyes at the girl for it had been her original plan.

Everyone looked at Trix, "I can go with the boys, it's probably not the smartest idea to have me around Audrey- or Alice for that matter wherever she is."

"I'm sorry what?"

Trix hadn't realized they only knew of one threat and the entirety of it all made her giggle, "Oh, uh yeah so Alice was mind controlling me or whatever this morning, hence why no one could find me...not that anyone tried but A for effort I guess."

Gil and Harry held back laughs while Uma was nodding her head approvingly at the girl, the others just looked down in guilt.

"So are we gonna go or..."




"Going now."

Trix rolled her eyes and walked ahead as the group went their separate ways.

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