Fantastic Fantasies 6

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Fantastic Fantasies

Things progress along these same lines for a few days, weeks, months(?).

Usually, it involves one of them initiating sex, and the other one reciprocating, all the while both of them are bickering, and trying to achieve the upper hand.

It's pretty standard, until Meredith's half-sister (who she's never met before, and didn't even know about), is admitted to the hospital. Addison operates on, and saves her baby while Meredith does her best to avoid her father.

Not that Addison's worried or anything.

Addison just sees Meredith obliterating some cast material in the orthopedic lab.

It's not because Addison cares about her or something. It's because Meredith looks angry, and she's taking it out on those cast remnants, and a part of Addison wishes that the blonde was taking it out on her, instead. A horny part of it. Yeah, a really kinky and horny and twisted part of her sees the way that Meredith is lashing out on those morsels of hardened plaster and wishes she was lashing it all out on her.

Addison enjoys pain.

Yeah, that sounds a bit better, right?

Now Addison just had to get past Callie.

"Hey," says Addison, as she knocks on the ortho room door. Addison walks on in, and Meredith keeps smashing the cast pieces, as if she doesn't even see her.

It only makes Addison angrier.

"Can I borrow Grey for a moment?" Addison presses.

"Sure," says Callie, shrugging. They might not be friends yet, but they're not unfriendly colleagues. And Addison is an Attending, and Callie just a Resident, and she's not going to say no to an Attending physician today.

Meredith stops smashing long enough to hand the mallet to Callie, who gives her a look but Meredith ignores it, and ignores the staring from Izzie, and follows Addison out of the room.

Addison leads her by the arm to an abandoned hallway, before Addison looks left and right before she leans in to speak with Meredith through hushed whispers.

"Are you okay?"

"Just peachy."

"Are you sure?" Addison asks her.

"Yep," says Meredith, popping the 'p,' for effect.

"The way you were disintegrating that casting material really suggests otherwise."

"I'm cleaning up."


"Yeah. Callie asked me to."

"And are you learning anything?" says Addison impatiently.

"Sure I am," Meredith crosses her arms, and glowers at Addison.


"Or, I was, until you interrupted me. Can I go?"

"Are you sure you're good, Grey?"

"Why, because you're my shrink? Because you know I have tequila for that," Meredith scoffs.

"I'm just seeing if you're good, that's all," Addison crosses her own arms in front of her chest defensively.

"Is this about you," says Meredith?

"No, this is about you," says Addison.

"Fine," says Meredith, as she brushes Addison's arm away. "I'll get back to it then."

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