Fantastic Fantasies 2

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Author's note:

Yes, there are some great prompts in the reviews, and we'll see if we can figure out :).


Fantastic Fantasies 2

As Addison keeps rambling on about all the ways that she wants it, and Meredith keeps listening and imagining all the ways she can give it to her, eventually Meredith just cracks and has to break the non-conversation they're having to turn it into a potential conversation.

It starts off casually.

"Addison?" Meredith can't help but ask her. "Have you ever considered just sleeping with someone, just for the satisfaction of it?" She continues.

It's a statement, rather than an all-out proposition.

But clearly, it escalates rather quickly.

But reading between the lines, it's far more suggestive than friendly.

Not that Meredith and Addison were ever really friends anyhow.

"As in, just for sex?" Addison muses, not wanting to admit immediately that the proposition sounded intriguing to her.

"Yeah, nothing else. None of that relationship crap. And you could stay married, and I could stay Derek's mistress, and he woujld never have to ever know..." Meredith drops her voice down an octave as she says this last part.

It makes Addison shiver.

And Meredith notices.

She always does.

"Would there be any... Rules to this sort of... Arrangement?" Addison asks her perhaps too quickly.

"Well, of course there would be rules, Addison," Meredith smirks at the redhead.

"What's the first rule then?" Addison asks her.

"Well, the first rule of fuck-club... Is that we don't talk about fuck-club," Meredith quips.

"Wait, this is a club now? Or is this just us here?" Addison jumps right to the kicker.

"Well, that depends. If we were to add more people it would get more complicated. And it would be harder to maintain rule number one..." Meredith shrugs.

"True..." Says Addison. "Alright. We can start with a two-person fuck-club, and we can see where this goes from there?" Addison shrugs back at Meredith.

"Sure, why not. The only other things we have to talk about are, of course, safer sex," says Meredith.

"Right, well, we're both doctors. We can get labs run anonymously, and then we'll know?" Addison offers.

"Sounds good," says Meredith. "Just let me know, and I'll let you know, if we end up with anyone else," she suggests.

"Of course," says Addison.

"And then there's the last rule of fuck-club that we have to establish," Meredith challenges.

"And what would that be, Grey?" Addison smirks back at her this time.

"Don't fall in love," she says dangerously.

"Not a problem," says Addison.

"Good," says Meredith.

"Good," says Addison.

"So should we shake on this, then?" Offers Meredith.

"I think we can skip past the handshaking part of these formalities, Grey," Addison husks, as she leans in to place her hands on Meredith's shoulders, and pulls Meredith in, flush, to her body.

"Alright, we can at least see if the chemistry's going anywhere before we engage in any fuck-club activities," says Meredith, challenging Addison the entire way.

Addison nods, and Meredith nods, and then they're crashing their lips smack together.

It's intense, and it's fast, and it's passionate.

All of the lust that's built up for both of them through the months of unrest and turmoil surface, exerting each of them on each other the catharsis they need, taking the touch and the feel they desire.

It's not anything, but it's not nothing either.

After this, they both know they can never go back.

But they would never want to the way their lips are caressing each other's, leading to a fuck-club like none other, with feelings of love absolutely nowhere to be found.


Author's Note:

This is inspired by a line in an older oitnb fanfiction that I can no longer pinpoint ;).


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