Fantastic Fantasies 3

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Fantastic Fantasies 3

It was just for sex.

Lots and lots and lots of sex.

And they just couldn't get enough of it.

Well, after they got over themselves and stopped bickering, that is...

Their tests came back, and they were both cleared, and when Addison got them she paged Meredith to an on-call room, and that's how they seemed to find themselves in this rather ridiculously compromising position.

"How do you want me," Meredith husked seductively into Addison's ear, mere hours after they'd settled on the rules of their arrangement.

"I want you on your knees for me," Addison countered.

"Ha- well, good luck with that one," Meredith chuckled evilly.

"If you weren't going to do it, why did you bother asking," Addison said frustratedly, her temper rising.

"If you weren't so desperate for attention, you wouldn't have to resort to begging," Meredith quirks her eyebrow teasingly, and it makes Addison clench her fists angrily.

"How is this possibly going to work then. Because one minute you're all 'let's duffel our unsatisfied fantasies,' and the next minute you're telling me that you want to back out of this. So really, where the hell do you stand on this, Grey!?" Addison rolls her eyes at the blonde woman.

"Well..." Meredith drags her line out with the click of her tongue. "Well I never did say I wouldn't make you work for it, now did I?" Meredith inquires, smirking up at Addison.

"Well this is just great, Meredith," says Addison. "We have half an hour before surgery, and you paged me here to 'do it,' and we're not even started on 'doing it,' because we can't even decide on how it's going to be done!" Addison exclaims, waving her hands in the air, gesticulating.

"Hmm, someone needs it bad, huh," Meredith grins like a Cheshire Cat at the frustrated redhead before her.

"Like you don't, might I remind you who paged me," says Addison.

"And might I remind you who is curling under my fingertips, huh Addie?" Meredith coos.

"And who would that be, Grey," Addison rolls her eyes again at the lack of engagement so far from her fellow fuck-buddy-in-crime.

"Well that would be you, of course," says Meredith as she finally- finally reaches out for the redhead.

"Right..." says Addison, rather suspiciously.

"It's you, of course, Addison. As I do THIS," Meredith offers, as she takes both hands and abruptly places them on Addison's arms, squeezing gently, and leading her back onto the thin bed of this unoccupied on-call room.

Addison moans involuntarily, giving into the pleasing sensations of Meredith's skin on her own.

"Now..." Meredith husks as she presses Addison's back up against the bed. "How do you want me?" She growls, and Addison shivers at the blonde's assertiveness.

"I want you on your knees for me..." Addison asks again, only this time, it's more suggesting rather than telling.

Meredith smirks at the neediness in Addison's voice, pleased with herself at how she's rendered Addison to such a state with such rapidity.

"Hmm, ask nicely, and you shall receive..." Meredith whispers as she sinks down slowly and positions herself in front of Addison's knees.

Addison gulps as Meredith runs her hands down her long legs, both of them still fully clothed as Meredith warms her up with the tips of her palms.

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