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There wasn't a part of Shivaay body that didn't ache. But it was his head that was pounding the worst. It felt like someone was hitting him with a sledgehammer. Or Annika was hitting it repeatedly with her hard, hand made laddoos. Shivaay was surprised at his thoughts and almost laughed. Then he was aware of the dull ache in his chest, of the moist air around his face. He remembered inhaling such air in his childhood. His Nani's house used to have an air cooler and he used to stand in front of it to beat the heat. But then, that cooler didn't have such a metallic, artificial smell. A little scared now, Shivaay tried to prise his eyes open. A sudden blur of colours danced in front of his eyes. He blinked to get rid of the weird images but they only intensified.


He heard Anika's voice. She sounded incredibly happy. It made him feel good. But then the fear of not being able to see her again crept in. He could not not see her this time. Shivaay jerked his head in the direction of the voice and tried to keep his heavy eyes open.

A blue blob hovered over him. Shivaay felt Anika's palms cup his face.

"Easy there," she said in a sing-song voice. "You will snap your neck if you move it that fast."

Then the blob leaned in for a long, lingering, heartfelt kiss on his head. Shivaay's eyes closed involuntarily. This was bliss.

"Anika..." he said. But he couldn't hear anything. Was he wearing earplugs?

"Oh baby..." Pinky's voice came next and then salty wetness trickled down his temple. "Oh thank God..."

"Mom..." Shivaay rasped. He tried to clasp the end of her dupatta like he always did as a child. But instead of the silkiness he expected, Shivaay felt nothing. Blinding pain shot up his arm as he tried to move it.

"Don't exert yourself my child," he heard Shakti's voice near his head. He strained to look at him but could only see a blob. Just when Shivaay was about to lose it, Shakti's familiar warm hand caressed his head. "You have just woken up. It's okay. We are around. You are safe."

Shivaay sighed. He let all the overwhelming feelings he was experiencing calm down a bit. That's when he felt two people press kisses on both his cheeks at the same time. He heard Shakti and Pinky whisper, "We love you so much."


The Doctor flashed a light in Shivaay's eyes and smiled encouragingly. "Good."

Then he sat down on the stool beside the bed. Still half-conscious, Shivaay was agitatedly moving his head around and trying to speak. He could barely keep his eyes open but for Anika it was the best view ever. What she had experienced in the two weeks was nothing but pure, burning hell. To see Shivaay move even that much was a blessing.

The Doctor tried to speak in a calming voice. "Shivaay, you have just woken up from a long sleep. So your head will feel very fuzzy. I know you want to speak, but I will suggest that you don't try. Right now, your voice box is too weak. In fact, all your muscles too weak. So just lie back and enjoy the attention your family is showering on you. Yeah?"

The Oberois smiled back at the Doctor. Pinky was standing near her son with a hand over his head and was she was holding his hand with another. Anika was sitting on the bed near Shivaay's feet. Shakti was standing behind Anika whilst Gauri, Om and Rudra were on the couch. They all looked so relieved, so happy that even the Doctor couldn't stop himself from smiling.

"Now, Shivaay might be a little cranky when he completely wakes up, a little disoriented and there definitely will be gaps in his memory..." the Doctor told everyone. "But don't worry. Until the effects of the drugs wear off, he will experience all this. It will gradually subside."

"His ribs are still healing, so when you guys hug him, just make sure that you aren't completely squishing him. He might also feel breathless, but that's okay..." the Doctor added. 

"He will recognize us, right?" asked Gauri, chewing her lower lip apprehensively.

"Yes, of course!" the Doctor responded and got up from the stool. "I will leave you guys alone. Just be very gentle with him. No loud noises or actions. Okay?"

"Got it Doc!" Rudra grinned.

As the Doctor walked out, Rudra pranced like a child towards Shivaay's bed. He loudly kissed Shivaay's cheek and said, "Wakey wakey! Enough with the laziness now."

"Rudra!" Om chided him in a soft voice. "Just now the Doctor asked us to be gentle."

"I am gentle!" Rudra smiled smugly. "I cannot be harsh with Bhaiya and you know that."

Pinky's face broke into a smile. She was so glad to see them bickering again. She had never thought that she would miss it. Now just Shivaay had to join them. It would be perfect.

With that wish in her heart, she glanced at Shivaay. And then froze. Through puffy eyelids, Shivaay was looking at everyone. He was awake. Pinky screeched, "Shivaay!"

Annika's eyes darted to Shivaay. His eyes vacantly looked at them. And then they stopped at her. She couldn't take it anymore. Like a love-starved child, she flew towards him and then gathered him in her trembling arms.  

"An..." she heard him grunt near her ear.

"Shhhh..." she held him close to her heart. "I am right here."


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