Bonus 2

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"So what exactly happened?" Annika asked as she helped him with the medicines. She tore a small part of each tablet and placed it on the tray.

Shivaay shrugged and then smirked. "Babe, come on. You saw what happened. It was a live interview."

Annika chuckled. "Yeah, I did. But I still want to hear it from your mouth."

The Oberois had finally addressed the media in a massive press conference to clear out everyone's doubt. They owed that to their stakeholders and staff. And well, also to the curious gossipmongers across the country who were very intrigued by the whole ruckus. Also, the police had now given them a clean chit in the Kalyani Mills matter so now they could talk about it. The fire of the Mills had finally gone off, probably after three decades.

"It did get uncomfortable at places. Especially when they asked what Veer did with me..." Shivaay sighed and took the first few tablets with water. "But Dad and Bade Papa somehow managed it."

Annika nodded. Shivaay didn't like talking about his time with Veer at all. He rarely mentioned it in front of his family, let alone saying it aloud in public. The only time he talked about it was with her and the therapist. And even then, it made Annika feel really sad.

"It's okay..." Annika smiled. "At least the phone calls will stop now."

"Oh you are mistaken!" Shivaay rolled his eyes. "After the conference was over, at least three editors came to me with the offer of an exclusive interview. They want to talk about the trauma I faced during this whole. I politely declined and two of them offered me money as well."

"Huh?" Annika was surprised and laughed. "Really now? And what did the third offer?"

Shivaay looked straight into her eyes and answered, "The golden opportunity to appear on his channel, four times best news channel winner, a chance to talk with the five times best host winner and a cup of espresso."

Annika fell down on the couch and chortled hard. "Wow! You should have taken it up. How could you refuse such a glorious offer?"

"Swear..." Shivaay tiredly swallowed the remaining pills and sighed. But he perked up quickly. "Waise I also have a glorious offer for you. And even you cannot refuse this one."

"What is it?" Annika raised a brow.

"How about we go somewhere nice? You choose the place..." Shivaay offered.

The Lord knew that they both deserved a break. And he fervently hoped that Annika would say yes.

"Just the two of us?" she asked with a raised brow.

Shivaay felt a little guilty to want this only for them because the rest of the family had also gone through a lot. But honestly, the noise around him was too much. He needed to be alone, badly.

"Yes," he nodded. "Just the two of us." 

Annika knew what this was all about. One of their business acquaintances' wife had told her about a wellness retreat in the mountains. She had looked it up and it indeed looked like a wonderful place. She was sure that if they both went, it would help them a lot. 

So she readily agreed and snatched the mobile from his hand. "Okay. I will book something. You go to sleep now." 

"Huh?" Shivaay was surprised. "You are okay with it?"

"Haan. Ab kya bond paper pe likh ke du?" she sneered and he chuckled despite himself. It was not every day when his wife agreed to something without putting up a stupid fight. 

"Okay chill," he puts his hands up in surrender. "Where are we going?" 

Annika looked at him with a sugar-sweet smile. "On the bed before that." 

"Haw!" he said impishly. "I didn't know you were that desperate." 

She didn't entertain him. "Yes. I am desperate to make you sleep. Alone. So I can have some peace. You do too much choo choo otherwise." 

"Choo choo? Annika your words are seriously..."

"Sleep!" she pushed him on the bed and covered him with the blanket. 

"But really..." 

Annika put her palm on his mouth. "I know, my choice of words is bad. I forgot that cats meow and don't do choo choo. Happy? Now sleep." 

Shivaay went quiet and just languidly blinked his eyes. Annika knew that the multiple pills were doing their work on him. Feeling like she had unknowingly violated the rules their therapist had set for her and the rest of the family, she hastily removed her palm. But he held her hand. 

"Why are you in such a hurry to make me sleep?" he asked, a little drowsily. 

She sighed. She wasn't. If it was in her hands, she would not do any of this. But he still was struggling and needed an ample amount of rest. Her desires, his wishes; everything else could wait. 

"No Shivaay," she refused. "I am not. It's just that the more you sleep, the faster you will heal. Hai na?" 

"Yeah..." he let out a breath. He turned to his side and closed his eyes. "Fine. I will sleep. You book the tickets for wherever you want to go. Okay?" 

Annika nodded and grinned. "Be ready to for a big dent in your bank account mister." 

His impish smile was back and he suggestively rubbed his chest. "Loot lo." 

"Chup cheapde!" she chuckled and tucked the blanket. She leaned in for a quick kiss. "Good night for this night while I make arrangements for more good nights." 

"Run Forrest, run..." Shivaay smiled and finally closed his eyes. 

Annika sat there, running her fingers through his hair until he didn't actually fall asleep. She sighed. A lot of things had cleared up for the family. Rudra and Bhavya also finally had a date for their impending marriage. Sure, it was still a good six months away. But it made Annika so happy. They both had been such a rock to her throughout the whole ordeal. She was going to make sure that she was the same rock to them during their marriage. She glanced at Shivaay again. Every time she looked at him in the comfort of their home, safe; Annika thanked the Almighty for being kind to her. Not everyone she loved went away from her. The Oberoi family had ensured that her insecurity was baseless. Shivaay had so bravely proved her wrong. And all that only made her love all of them so hard, so much that they were also overwhelmed.       

She often thought about the other possibilities. How would her life be if Roop Bua had never started the Kalyani Mills fire? Her father would have never died. She would have grown up with Gauri. They both would have completed their studies. She would have never faced any of the cruelties and difficulties she faced for being an orphan. But then again, she would have never met Sahil. And most importantly, she would have never met Shivaay and his family. She would have never know what was it to love someone so much that it was the only thing you knew. She would never know what it was to have someone love you so much that light up your world.   

Was she sad about her father? Annika was confused about it. Maybe she was not sad about the loss. Because she didn't remember what it was like to have a family, a father. She was sad about the possibilities perhaps. But everything melted away whenever she looked at Shivaay. It was all water under the bridge. Everything that happened in her life, led her to him. How could it bad? 

She pressed a long kiss on his temple again. Shivaay murmured sleepily. "Don't book a cheap hotel..." 

Annika paused. She sprang up and made a face. One of these days, Shivaay was going to get his ass whooped from her. And judging by his behaviour, the day was not far away. Maybe even tomorrow. 

"Wait and watch now!" she lightly punched his arm and picked up the laptop. Then muttered under her breath, "I am going to enrol you in the worst course at the wellness centre."   

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