Y/N please help me.

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"Uh if you don't mind can you tell me the time..?" My lovely bum mumble I darted my eyes at my phone.

"4:30pm why?" I look back up to see him pale as a ghost. "Whats wrong?"

"I-i have to go.." he jumped up and threw away his water and ran out the door. I sat there and looked at my phone and went to my tracking app. He was sprinting away. I decided to go home and wait to go to his house later.

Yoonbum's POV

As I dart down the streets in panic. F-fuck fuck fuck FUCK! I practically rip open the door to see him. That disgusting excuse for a human. He instantly grabbed the closest thing to him and threw it at full speed at my face. Then black. I woke up to a pain in head and in my...oh no..I glance over already knowing what ill see. Him. That thing. Was raping me. Again. Quite sobs left my lips as I grab the pillow below me. Y/N please help me.

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