Chapter 15: Falling

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"You're going out with Raphael!" Jenny squeaks, attracting the eyes students sitting around us. "That hot sexy french man, Raphael DeRose!"

"Announce it to the whole world, will you?" I say, shaking my head. "Don't be too excited. It's just a simple coffee date."

"A simple coffee date with Raphael DeRose," she counters and I expect another squeal from her, but fortunately it doesn't come. 

I bite my lower lip to stop a smile. Yeah, it's pretty surreal to go out on a date with the coveted Raphael DeRose.

"Well now at least you won't be hogging on Adrien's face," Jenny adds snidely, making me sigh. When I told her about the kiss between me and Adrien at the party, to say she was surprised is the understatement of the century. Oh, she was mad. Still is. I get it I'm mad at myself too. "If I was there I wouldn't let that baboon take you anywhere. And who the hell still plays stupid middle school games like seven minutes-"

"Stop talking about it," I plead and bump her shoulder gently. "We both were drunk. It was a stupid mistake, which I regret."

"You regret it, but does Adrien regret it too?" She asks, looking at the classroom's door. I follow her gaze and see Adrien entering the hall with Trent.

It doesn't take long before his eyes are looking in my direction as he walks to his seat at the other side of the hall. I suck in a breath and follow his trail.

"Going by the way he's eyeing-fucking you right now, I think he won't mind kissing you again," Jenny says, making me turn back to her.

"W-what?" I choke on my saliva. "Stop saying ridiculous things," I chide her, feeling the gaze of person in question on the back of my head.

She shrugs, throwing another glance in his direction. "Yeah, he's definitely eye-fucking you."


"What?" She makes an unsuccessful attempt to stifle her laugh. "Isn't it him who kissed you first?"

"Yes... but he was drunk. So was I. That kiss didn't mean anything... And no one's eye-fucking anyone!"

"If that's what you say," she sings, chuckling.

I glare at her, shutting her up. Then turn around and glare harder at Adrien. His eyes widen for a second, surprised that I am silently calling him out, before he sheepishly looks away, like a child being scolded. I would be proud of myself for finally making him cower if I wasn't so mad.  

This guy is so infuriating. Even more so after that 'mistake'. 

"Aww, don't get angry Harper. I was just kidding." This time Jenny bumps my shoulder. "I don't want you to date that baboon either, no matter how much he's pining after you-"

"Adrien is definitely not pining after me. He hates me."

"It's debatable. He's been pretty into you since the beginning."

"Pretty into insulting me for my weight." I scoff.

"Yeah, he's a jerk, no debate on that. But ever wonder why he's so out to only get you. The guy is literally looking ways to somehow get on your nerves. And jeez, you should see how he looks at you, like he wants to eat you. It's almost like he's obsessed with you."

"Are you even listening to yourself right now Jenny?" I give her an incredulous look. If Adrien is obsessed with me then it's totally not in a good way.

"Hey, I'm no love-guru or any expert in boys, but it's not that difficult to see he's got some stuff going for you. After that kiss, my suspicions have sky-rocketed."

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