Chapter 25: It's Complicated

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"Zaid, move a little slower, you're too close to Max. Ryan angle your body toward the front. And Logan you've to look intense, not bloodthirsty," Mashika instructs the boys on stage. "Now back to the positions, we'll start again."

I'm sitting backstage at my usual desk, decorating the clothes and hearing chatters from outside. Areum is also with me. Even though most of our work is done, we're stuck with adding final touches- which seem to be taking longer than we expected. These outfits need to be done within two-three days for the dress rehearsal.

Less than a week is left for the preparations and until the Cultural Fest begins, which is why everyone is in full swing to get the work done, unlike before when we took multiple breaks to chit-chat and loiter around.

I hear the frustration in Mashika's voice as she is guiding the boys, making me feel sorry for all the parties involved. The guys are trying their best, but their co-ordination isn't the best like it is on the basketball court. And as the head of our team and organizer of the 'Valden Fashion Buzz', pressure is high on Mashika to put together a good show.

"They have been practicing for over three weeks, and they still can't get it right," Areum mutters from beside me as she sews golden lace on the seams of a pair of trousers.

"They've never done something like this before, give them a little grace," I say.

"Yeah, I guess." She sighs. "Mashika and Sandra aren't on good terms right now. When you weren't here on Monday, they had a fall out."

"Don't they get into arguments everyday?" I quip. Mashika and Sandra are leading the preparation of our show, and they often bicker over details. But the girls are also good friends, so no matter how many disagreements they have, by the end of the day they come to a compromise.

"This time it was serious. Don't tell me you don't notice those two giving each other cold shoulder?"

I've been busy giving and receiving cold shoulder with Adrien to notice anyone else. I thought, and replied to Areum with a shrug.

"I don't even remember what they fought over, but it definitely has something to do with that!" She accusingly points at the guys who are fumbling on stage like lost toddlers.

I smile. "I'm sure they'll be fine soon. Raphael told me once that Mashika is quick to anger, but she also doesn't hesitate to hold out an olive branch. I believe if not now, then they'll eventually make up after the fest is over," I told Areum.

"But it is miserable for us now," she groans, before suddenly perking up. "Wait, you're still dating Raphael!"

"Yeah... I went out with him last Thursday." Factually, I went with him to his house, but I decide to keep that detail to myself. Raphael just cooked for me and we had great time together chatting and eating the delicious food. I don't want to give Areum wrong idea about us hooking up or something of that sort when nothing happened between us beyond a kiss.

Areum doesn't speak and quietly goes back to sewing. Her silence pricks me as we both know she has something to say.

"Let it out Areum, I won't get mad."

She looks up and thinks for more than 10 seconds before finally letting out dreaded three words. "What about Adrien?"

"What about him?"

"Aren't you two- uh- don't you two like each other?" 

I could've said 'what gives you that idea?', but that would be feigning ignorance. People are observant enough to pick up on our behavior with each other, and we aren't that subtle either.

"Things with him are complicated," I reply honestly, "it's better if we stay away from each other."

"What happened between you two at the club?" Areum asks, curiously.

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