Chapter 26: Rooftop Rebels

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I gaze at the night sky which acts as a canvas for the twinkling stars. Just moments ago, only a handful of them were visible. However, as I began to count them, more started revealing themselves.

It's been months since I climbed up to the roof of my dormitory. About an hour ago I finished call with my mother. I had to step out of my room to take her call since Salma was studying for her quiz tomorrow. When we finished our conversation, I decided to take advantage of the clear evening and went up to the roof to get some fresh air. The view of night sky from up here always helped me clear my mind.

"And I was starting to wonder if you vanished into thin air," I hear Salma, making me turn around to find her huffing as she peeks out of the window.

I chuckle. "Nah, I just wanted to do some star gazing."

She steps out fully onto the roof, joining me. "Well, you picked the perfect night for it. It's so peaceful up here." She nudges my shoulder with hers. "This reminds me of our good old days. All that missing here is a six pack." 

When I moved here, the first bond I forged was with Salma. We were just two college freshers thrown together to share a dorm room in this new phase of our life. Those early days were filled with uncertainty and the nervous excitement of starting college. But amidst the chaos of orientation events, new faces and everything unfamiliar, Salma and I had found a much needed familiarity in each other's company. 

Some nights we used to sneak up here and had long philosophical talks over the bottles of cheap beer. We would share our dreams and fears, discuss our aspirations, and laugh at the absurdity of it all. The rooftop became our sanctuary, a place where we could escape the pressures of college life and simply be ourselves. Many a times I found myself here alone too.

I smile at her nostalgic comment. "Oh yeah, we were the rooftop rebels." We clink our imaginary bottles and chuckle.

"I think we should resurrect this tradition," Salma suggests.

"I see no reason to disagree."

Soon, like old times we fall into our old talks. Salma was right; a bottle of beer would absolutely complete this moment. My phone buzzes, interrupting Salma's whining about her quiz tomorrow. 

I unlock my phone to see a text from Raphael. It's a goodnight message followed by a kiss emoji. I reply him back with a similar text before locking my cell phone and turning back to my roommate. "Sorry, it was Raphael."

"If I'm interrupting something, don't hesitate to tell me to jump back inside the window," she says, arching her eyebrows.

"No need, it was just a customary goodnight text."

"So, how are things between you two?" Salma asks curiously.

"It's fine," I reply with a casual shrug. Things really were just fine- or maybe a little worse than fine. Yesterday, talking with Areum made me confront the fact that I wasn't cut out to be with someone like Raphael. Also, there was a pestering guilt of using him to get over Adrien.

Salma hums, her gaze lingering a moment longer than necessary. "So you two went out on a date recently?"

"When I brought you the cheesecake, it was the last date we had. These days, Raphael and I can barely find time to talk on phone, let alone meet in person." Our interactions this week are mostly limited to exchanging good morning and good night messages. "I'm caught up with the fashion show, and he's swamped with his own projects for the fest."

Salma's eyes narrow slightly, and I notice a subtle glint in them. "If you two like each other, you should be able to find some time."

If we both were truly into each other, we would. I think, but reply to Salma with a nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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