Chapter 20: Repeating Mistake

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"Head in the clouds
Got no weight on my shoulders
I should be wiser
And realize that I've got" 

Ariana Grande's high-pitched voice blares in my earphones and I hum along with her while working on the heap of clothes laid out in front of me.

Less than two weeks are left for the University's Annual Cultural Fest and we've still got a lot to do. There are clothes and accessories to be worked on, stage decorations aren't done either, and Sandra and Mashika are still butting heads over models' positions and poses on the ramp.

"I got!
One less problem without ya!"

I look up from the jacket I am working on to relax my strained neck. My eyes again for the millionth time this afternoon settle on the six feet four muscular figure at the other corner of room. He is toiling on a big orange sphere that's supposed to be planet Jupiter with Ryan and Zaid. He is in a plain t-shirt that hugs him delectably and a pair of black jeans accentuating his long legs. 

When he lifts his arm, his shirt rides up and I get a peek of his bare waist. I gulp, my throat suddenly feeling dry.

"I got one less, one less problem"

Before I know Adrien's dark eyes are looking back at me. My face heats up at being caught checking him out. Our gazes remain locked and my body temperature soars the longer we stare. Despite the embarrassment I can't seem to look away.

One of my earphones falls off my ear but I don't care. He holds me captive.

There's an awareness. Awareness that something between us is changing. I suppose the cumulation of everything that happened between us these past few days has triggered it.

"Harper!" Someone calls, breaking my eye contact with Adrien.

I look in the direction of voice and see Raphael marching toward me with a big grin on his face. I pull out the another earphone and tuck them at side.

"Surprise!" He says as he reaches me and drags me out of the desk before wrapping his arms around me.

"Hey," my voice comes out squeaky as I gingerly hug him back, "what are you doing here?"

"I was passing by the theater so came to see you on the way," he replies, still keeping me in his embrace.

I feel Adrien's gaze burning holes into the side of my skull. I sneak a glance at him. He looks livid. His glare is accusing and predatory, almost making me step out of Raphael's hold.

"So how is your Valden Fashion Buzz coming along?" Raphael asks, getting back my attention.

"We're all crossing our fingers." I slowly peel myself off him and force a smile, trying to ignore certain someone at the other corner of backstage.

Guilt is surfacing inside me. Guilt of what? I am not sure. Leading on Raphael when I don't know how I feel about him, about us. Or grappling with these unresolved feelings for my nemesis. Or both.

"Mashika fought tooth and nail with the committee to increase the budget for this show," he says, eyeing the clothes that I am working on, "and it seems she is right. You guys deserve more money seeing how hard all of you are working."

"Thanks." I grin. "I am hoping our hard work pays off and everyone enjoys the show."

Raphael takes a look around and I use the opportunity to again discreetly peek at Adrien. He's not there anymore. I search for him and catch him walking out of the door. Adrien's taut back and tightened fists let me know he's not very happy. I suspect it's because of Raphael's appearance.

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