Part 1

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It was sectionals. The warblers were in the McKinley high choir room getting ready to preform. Sebastian was getting his hair done by Wes and was not having it.
"Wes stop!"
"No Wes I don't need more"
"Wesley! How dare you"
"stop no I don't need more"

The other warblers were listening in to this through the door and trying not to laugh at Sebastians antics.

POV. New directions

Mr Shue and Blaine said it would be a good idea to go and wish the warblers good luck. To be nice sports, mostly, Blaine just wanted to see his friends. As they were approaching the choir room they heard yells of "Wesley!" And "Stop I don't need more", they saw the warblers trying not to laugh at what ever was happening.

Blaine stepped forward and said "umm guys what's happening?" In return he got a mixture of answers. Some "hey Blaine's" "Blaine!" And one "BLAINE!!! HES HERE BACK FROM THE DEAD!" That was from Jeff.

"Well now that we have all announced the presence of hobbit here will anyone tell us what's going on?" Santana replied.
"Oh umm wes is getting on at Sebastian because his hair wasn't,and I quote, in tip top shape." Thad replied.

The new directions were confused to say the least. They were even more confused when they spotted Sebastian lurking in the doorway. Except This wasn't Sebastian. It was Sebastian twin Barry, whom he had not seen since they were 11. This was unknown to everyone.

POV. Barry

I was waking down the halls of McKinley high because I new Sebastian was preforming there tonight when I heard a yells of
"I don't need more" and
Barry knew that voice. Sebastians voice. He followed the trail of his little brothers voice and ended up standing in the doorway watching he way guessing is the warblers explain what was happening through the door.

Barry wasn't hidden for long. "Sebastian?" He looked at who say this. It was a teacher. "Ummm no I'm Barry" Barry replied.
"Nice try meerkat" a Latina replied.
Barry was just confused. "Erm well let me try that again" " my name is Barry Allen and I am wondering whether or not that yelling is Sebastian?"

Thad replied to the double of his friend saying "yeah that's him but how did you know?"
Barry was confused. Had Seb not mentioned him before. He stood there for a while pondering his answer when he came up with the perfect thing. " look okay This is confusing"
"Too say the least" interrupted a warbler with bleached hair " but i can prove I know him, when seb comes out he will say.... god ____ if you added anymore gel people would be able to ice skate in my head". The people in the room were hesitant about this but at that exact moment. Sebastian emerged.

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