Part 2

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But at that moment Sebastian emerged.

No ones POV.
"God Wesley if you added anymore gel people would be able to ice skate on my head" Sebastian said. He stopped and stared. It wasn't just warblers here. There was the New directions too. And there, between the two teams was "BARRY!" Sebastian ran through the 2 teams and practically jumped onto his twin. "Hey there Sebby" Barry replied. But Sebastian didn't let go like you would after that. He held on. He held on looking like if he let go Barry would disappear.

The new directions and warblers were stunned to say the least. For one thing this 'Barry' knew exactly what Sebastian was going to say. Two he was called a nickname and didn't complain about it. And three he was holding on forever. His face was buried in Barry's jumper.

Warblers POV.
Sebastian emerged and said EXACTLY what this 'Barry' said he would. Then seb pushed through us and practically jumped into Barry's arms as Barry said "hey there Sebby"
We knew Sebastian would snap at this. He HATES nicknames, we still cal him seb behind his back though but he gets all defensive whenever he hears. It's weird. But what's weird is that he didn't complain! He held on tighter. We couldn't see hair face but could only just hear him mutter " I missed you so much bar I really did". It sound like he was crying. That NEVER happens. This Barry must really know seb for this to happen. Barry replied "it's okay Sebby I missed you too every single day". It was a cute moment that came to an end when Mr Shue cleared his throat.

New directions POV.

Sebastian emerged saying exactly what Barry had said he would. We were going to say hi or something but we didn't get a chance to because Sebastian was already flying past us and into this persons arms. We could hear there conversation better than the warblers since we were closer to the two ,brothers we were guessing, "hey there Sebby" Barry said. Sebastian was clinging to him like a child to a lolly pop not letting go. We couldn't see his face but heard "I missed you so much bar I really did" then he hiccuped. He was crying. It was a strange sight. "It's okay Sebby I missed you to every single day". The new directions were happy to admit that they were shocked to see This side to the snarky, mean Sebastian Smythe They were used to knowing. It was a cute moment that came to an end as mr Shue cleared his throat.

No ones POV.

The two people separated and when Sebastian lifeted his head, realising that they were not alone quickly looked down at the ground sniffing every so often. Barry in the other hand spoke first. " um hey there guys uhh this is my brother Sebastian but I'm guessing that you know him already". Everyone nodded " cool well ummm...." no one said anything for a while till "what the hell Seb" Wes yelled.
To there surprise Sebastian didn't answer he sniffed and averted his gaze further to the floor. Barry on the other hand answered "erm alright so as you can tell we are twins, identical, we were split up when we were 11 and haven't seen each other since." "Don't ask why we won't tell you." This came from Sebastian, still not lifting his head. Everyone was takes aback. There was no snarky tone or smirk just a kind quite voice.
"Umm yeah don't ask" said Barry. "Any questions?"

The room erupted into a clatter of questions. In this madness Barry spotted His little brother trying to sneak off. How dare he. Ignoring everyone he chased after Sebastian. Everyone stoped to watch this interaction, intrigued by the different side of Sebastian.

The brothers chased each other all around the choir room weaving in and out of the doors until they hear a thump form outside. They all dashed outside to see Sebastian on the floor wriggling beneath Barry's grip while Barry tickled him. "Stop Bar!" Sebastian managed to get out between the laughs. " only if you say what you need to." Barry teased. They had a thing when they were younger that to make the other stop tickling them they had to say something. "Uggg fine" Sebastian said. "I Sebastian Smythe Declare that Bartholomew Allen is the best big brother ever and he is superior to me in all ways." Sebastian huffed out. "There we go" Barry said "haven't had that happen In a While." As the twins peeled themselves off the floor they again realised again they were in fact not alone. The show choir teams were confused out of there minds. Sebastian 1. hugged someone 2. Let them call him a nickname 3. Didn't talk all snarky 4. Was ticked and LAUGHED 5. Declared himself inferior and 6. Cried. What a weird day.

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