Part 4

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sorry i haven't updated in ages i've been super busy but here's part 4!


Sebastian and his copy sat down own two chairs at the front of the choir room while the other warblers filled in the remaining chairs at the back of the room.

"okay... so um" Barry started "as you know me and seb are twins but we got separated when we were 11."

"what happened was we were sleeping in our room when we heard our Mom screaming from downstairs," Sebastian began to explain the traumatic event " we got down there and she was being circled by this yellow lightening man. Our Dad came to try and help but he got pushed out of the way when Barry was taken by this man in red. The yellow lightning man hadn't spotted me and h-he" Sebastian swallowed trying to not break down crying. His brother wrapped his arms around him giving him some strength to keep telling the story.

"he took a knife from the kitchen table and s-stabbed our mom i-in t-the h-hea-heart." Sebastian was a mess so Barry continued telling the story.

"i saw none of this because i had been almost teleported to the end of my street, but when i can back out Dad was being shoved into the back of a police car with handcuffs on his wrists." " he told me not to go into the house but i didn't listen and found Seb refusing to let go of our Mom.  Our friend Iris' dad is a detective and we stayed with him for a while before Seb was moved to Paris."

The warblers were shocked. they couldn't move. they couldn't talk. they couldn't comprehend that Sebastians Mom was murdered.

Nick was the first to recover from the paralysis. "what happened to your dad? he didn't kill your mom though!"

"your right he didn't but who would believe two 11 year olds saying that a man of yellow lightening killed their mom not the obvious suspect out Dad." Sebastian said quietly.

"no one believed us and therapists all told us that we were crazy and out of our minds." Barry said meeting Sebastian's same tone.

"also another reason i moved to Paris was bullying." Seb confessed.

Sebastian. Sebastian Smythe. Sebastian Smythe the bully was bullied.

"the kids at school and parents didn't like the fact that children of a 'murder' were allowed to be near their kids on a daily bases." Sebastian said his tone becoming more disgusted the more he talked. Barry was nodding along to this.

Silence overcame everyone.

"on in 5" a voice came over speakers.

"That's our call" Wes said standing up.

Barry's POV.

Everyone stared getting up and getting ready to preform.

"well i've got to go to my seat but good luck everyone!" I said patting some of the Warblers on the back. as they left.

I hugged Sebastian very hard and i could feel him returning hug just as hard.
"Bye Barry!"
"Bye Sebby!"

Ta Da! i finally finished this chapter. I'm sorry i haven't updated in awhile just life got in the way lol.

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