Part 3

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Barry POV.

"Oh uh hey guys..." Sebastian muttered from beside him. The two groups of people had hilarious looks of surprise on their faces and  were staring at the two open mouthed. "Well, uh Sebastian, why don't you introduce me to your friends." I said trying to break the tension. Beside me Sebastian seemed to falter, as if inside his mind he was having a battle.

After a split second hesitation he said " okay umm so here is Wes." He said pointing to one of the blazer wearing teens. Wes gave a wave. "Next to him we have Jeff and Nick." Jeff and Nico also waved. "This is Trent." Trent was a little more polite and said hi to me. "And here we have Thad and David." A wave. "Hey guys" I said, " and who are these people?" I asked pointing at the group of teens on my left. "Those are the New Direction, a show choir from Lima." Sebastian said, sounding not to happy. "Hi Barry I'm Rachel Berry lead soloist of the New Directions and leader." A short brown haired girl came said coming forward to me. "Uh hi Rachel" I said a bit apprehensive because she seemed like a handful. She nodded seeming pleased with herself.

"Well we will leave you guys be and good luck later guys" the man whom I learned to be Mr Shue said leading the New Directions away. "Bye!" Said Thad, I think. As soon as they were gone all the Warblers turned on Sebastian and myself. "So" the guy named Jeff said suspiciously " care to explain WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED!?!"
"Wow geez calm down a bit" Wes said "but yes I think we do owe and explanation 'Sebby'". He smirked.
Next to me I'm pretty sure that Seb growled. I guess he doesn't like that nickname getting used by anyone other than me. The warblers were all taken aback by This and I stepped
in to help before Seb started going after them.
"Well yes your correct we do owe you an explanation but there are some thing that we won't tell you, but yeah maybe if we go in here we can talk?" I said trying to be reasonable. "Yeah that works" Wes said. They all filed in through the door but I held Sebastian back.

"Listen Sebby, I'm gonna need you to calm down okay? There not doing any harm-" "for now" Sebastian interrupted me. " -asking questions." I continued ignoring the younger twins outburst. " we will just clear some things up as having a double of your friend show up randomly may be a bit shocking, okay?" I said looking at him. "Alright." He huffed out. "Good, but I want a chat about that falter when I asked to meet your Friends later okay?" Sebastian just stared at me "I always notice Sebby, always notice." And with that, I stepped into the choir room.

Sebastian has a twin! Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum