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text messages.

hey mum told me u didn't get home last night

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mum told me u didn't
get home last night

yeah i stayed at mia's last night
i told her that

yeah i know
but i'm your brother
maybe you can fool mum
with lying where you are
but you can't fool me
you stayed with lando, didn't you?

george we're not 16 anymore
you don't have to go protective
brother mode
i'm allowed to live my own life

were you or weren't you with lando?

not that it's any of your concern
but yes i stayed over at lando's
last night
pls don't tell mum

i thought "we're not 16 anymore"
why don't you want mum to know?

bc she'll go into overenthusiastic mode
like you're going into overprotective
mode rn

i'm not in overprotective mode

so you'll promise you won't kill
him when he drops me off later?



i'll try my best

omg 🤦‍♀️
why george?

bc you're my little sister and
no man deserves you

lando's taking really good care
of me


he makes me happy
isn't that what you want for
your little sister?

whatever you're trying, it's not

yes it is 😏
i know you longer than today

ugh not the nickname
i guess you can do worse
than lando
i'm still having a chat with him
when he brings you home

as long as you don't kill him, that's
we're about to leave so we should be
there in 30 min

see u in 30 then

love you georgie

love you 3000

my heart- 🥺

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