𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫.

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max the muppet 🤓
Lia, you have to come back
Lando needs you

what's going on?
it's past midnight

max the muppet 🤓
i think he's having a panic attack
he's breathing heavily and doesn't want to calm down
can you please come here
i know things are bad between u 2
but he needs you

i'm omw
give me 30 min

max the muppet 🤓
you're the best



Amelia didn't know how quickly to change and sneak out of the house

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Amelia didn't know how quickly to change and sneak out of the house. In George's car, she drove towards Woking. Her brother would kill her for this tomorrow. No one was allowed to take his car without his permission. He was always so careful about it. But now, she didn't care. Lando needed her, so she did everything she could to get to him.

It had been about a week since her father's birthday. Since then, Lando has tried to call her several times, but George advised her not to speak or see him. She had kept to it obediently, but now she didn't give a damn about George's advice. Lando needed her, so she would be there for him.

The drive to Woking had never felt so long to her. After parking the car in the driveway, she gets out of the car and runs into the house.

"Max?!" She yells when she's in the hall.

"Upstairs!" Hear them coming from above. She runs up the stairs as fast as she can and sees the light in her and Lando's bedroom. When she enters the room, she sees Lando sitting against the wall. He has pulled his knees against him and he is breathing heavily. Max is on his knees opposite him with his hands on Lando's knees.

"Calm down, mate. She's here," he whispers and stands up. He walks over to Amelia and stands next to her.

"I heard him screaming in his sleep, so I thought he had a nightmare," Max explains to her. "But after I woke him up, he just kept panicking. He hasn't calm down ever since he's awake. I'll leave you two alone."

Max walks out of the room and Amelia watches Lando, who is staring ahead with tears in his eyes. His breathing is fast and heavy. She walks over to him and kneels in front of him.

"Lando?" She whispers and grabs his hands. She rubs the back of his hand with her thumb, trying to reassure him. "Lando, breathe with me." She takes a few deep breaths and tries to get Lando with her.

"C'mon Lan, in and out. In and out," she says slowly. She places one hand on his cheek, causing his eyes to make contact with hers for the first time. His breathing is slowly calming down and it shows in his eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm here."

Trembling, Lando takes her hand that rests on her cheek. He squeezes it tight. His eyes are clearly asking for help.

"I- I messed up," he stutters.

"No, you didn't." Amelia sits down next to him and puts her arm around him.

"Yes, I did," he sobs. "I messed things up with you, at Sochi, at everything. I am a mess."

"Lando, you didn't mess up with me. Or at Sochi or at everything."

"I did! I'm so sorry, Lia. I said nothing when you asked me if I trust you. I do, believe me I do. I don't know why I didn't say anything," Lando rattled on and Amelia noticed his breathing speed up again.

"Hey, calm down," she says, rubbing her hand over his upper arm. "You were jealous, and you had every right to be. I see that now. I'm sorry too, Lan. For abandoning you that evening and not seeing what Jason was up too."

With tears streaming down his cheeks, Lando rests his head on her shoulder. "I missed you so much, Lia. I promise I will never-"

"Let's not talk about it anymore, okay?" Amelia grabs his cheek with her free hand and forces him to look at her. "I missed you too," she finally admits.

His lips curl up minuscule. Calm was slowly returning to his eyes. They look at each other for a while as Lando calms down again. They are disturbed after Max walks into the room with a glass of water in his hands.

"Here you go, mate," he says and hands Lando the glass of drink.

"Thanks," Lando mumbles and takes it from him before taking several small sips.

"No problem. Just never scare me like that again, okay?" Max grins and finally helps him to get up. Amelia also gets up and walks to his bed, after which she opens the covers.

"C'mon, you need to get some sleep. I'm sure tomorrow's another long day," she says, patting the bed.

"You're not staying?" Lando asks her. She bites the bottom of her lip. Even though they'd forgiven each other now, she wasn't sure it was the smartest idea.

"I don't know Lan," she admits.

"Please? I need you." Lando looks at her pleadingly. After a few seconds, Amelia sighs.

"Okay, I'll stay."

"I'm going to go to bed. Good night guys," Max says and then walks out of the room. Lando quickly gets under the covers while Amelia takes some of her clothes from the wardrobe and changes. Once she's in their bed, Lando crawls over to her and puts his arm around her. He pulls her tight and hugs her while giving her a long kiss on her hair.

"I love you. So so much," he whispers to her. A smile automatically forms around her lips and she places her arm on his, then gives a reassuring squeeze. She had missed this so much, and she was glad to have him back finally. Everything, she felt, had finally been forgiven and forgotten, and she hoped it could stay that way forever.

"I love you too, Lando," she says softly and then falls asleep pretty quickly.


Told you you would like today's chapter :) I couldn't keep them broken up anymore, I love them to much together <3

Guyyysss 2 more races to go!! I'm starting to get nervous, cause Merc has a rocket engine out of nowhere. I really hope Red Bull has some masterplan ready for Max, cause otherwise I'm not sure if Max's gonna make it tbh 😅🦁🧡

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