Chapter 61

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(Em's POV)

The rest of the night wasn't too crazy, we played some games around the game and crashed and got a good nights sleep before the big game that was upon the club!

This game is a make or break, the blues basically need to win this game, if we want to have any chance of playing finals!

Sam of course sets his alarm for 8am because we are playing a somewhat earlier game today, and he gets out of bed quickly, and I stay in bed for a while!

"Bubs, you need to get up" Sam says as he shakes me a bit to try to wake me up more

"UHH, fine" I say and I throw the blanket of my legs and get up 

The final siren sounds, Giants win by 36 points... 

That was easiest the worst game of the season.

It's like the boys were clicking in the first half. 

As well as Sam was having a tag for 3 1/2 quarters, before De Boer moved onto Cripps

The only real positive out of the game, was that Pat played quite well in the first half, but couldn't pull us to a win.

Once again the mood in the rooms is just depressing, I try to comfort Sam, but that doesn't go very well.

He is already getting slammed in the media for not being able to shake the tackle which is absolutely stupid because it's his first full game with a tag, so how in the world is he suppose to shake the tackle.

I'm praying Sam doesn't see the media, but honestly that won't happen.

We all file into the buses and it's dead silent. 

Everyone knew how important this game was, and they all know that once again the media is absolutely going to smash them!

When we get to the hotel the boys all say goodbye to each other and all head into their rooms and we do the same.

Sam goes straight into the bathroom and jumps in the shower.

I know he's really down about the game because he wasn't able to have his normal affect on the game and it's taking a toll on him. 

I don't really know what I can do to cheer him up, so I decide that I would put his favourite tv show on and I grab out some lollies and hope into bed

A couple days go but and it's already Thursday, and thankfully today the boys have the day off and the household decided that we should invite some of the boys over!

We are having, Dow, Crip, Mon, Setters and Stock over, we had invited a bunch more boys over, but they couldn't come because majority of them were spending time with family or their partners!

It's already 2pm and Zac had started cooking up some food, and the rest of us are just cleaning up the house, making it look some what presentable.

Yesterday, Bell and Zac had a check up on the baby, and found out that in a couple of weeks we will be able to find out the gender, and I already know Mon and I will throw a massive gender reveal party!

I'm just cleaning up the living room, when I hear my second mum's voice come into the house 

"Hello" Mon says and I head to the hallway 

"Hiya" I say and give her and Pat a hug!

"How have you been" Pat asks me 

"Yeah good, been a bit stressful with all of the media going around and making sure that it doesn't affect Sam, but all good" 

"If you ever think he needs help with that, tell him he can talk to me" Pat says 

"Aww thank you, that means a lot Skip" I say and Pat heads to the backyard where Sam and Zac are!  

Slowly all the rest of the boys start to come in and soon enough the house is full with footy players!

"So, how's the wedding planning going Mon" I ask her as Bell, her and I all sit down on the couch

"Stress full honestly, it's hard to find a time to plan the wedding with uni going on for me and everything with footy for Pat, but it is slowly getting done" Mon says 

"Well if you ever need any help, you know where we are" I say 

"Thank you guys, so, how's baby Fisher going" Mon asks Bell 

"All good so far, in a couple of weeks we will be able to find out the gender" Bell explains as she rubs her tummy that is starting to slowly show

"Oh you and me are so on gender reveal part duty" Mon says as she looks at me 

"Already told her that" I say 

"Of course you did" Mon says 

We continue to catch up because we haven't seen each other for almost a month because of covid, and even when we were back in Melbourne we weren't allowed to see each other because Mon was going to Uni. 

Zac has finished cooking up the meat and us girls start to set up the table and we all start to grab some food and sit at the table!

Pat stands up and clicks him cup with his knife "Okay, so this news will come out tomorrow but, I'm re-signing with Carlton for 6 years" 

"F*ck yeah Crippa" All of the boys say and they all go up and give the Skippa a hug 

"Crippa isnt going anywhere" I say and I give him a hug as well 

"Well, that's some good news to start the night off" Bell says and we all dig into the food!

The food was absolutely delicious, and everyone else thought so!

Not long after everyone was done eating, we chuck on a game and everyone squishes onto the couch and we wait the game!

The game was between Geelong and Western Bulldogs!

Everyone was going for the doggies, I dont really know why, but I didn't really care because I love the doggies!

Sadly, the doggies weren't able to get the win because Gary Rohan kicked a rippa of a goal in the last quarter. 

No one really stayed that late just because the boys had training the next game, so everyone was gone by 11pm. 

And by 12am everyone in our household was fast asleep getting ready for the intense training session that would happen tomorrow!


Bit of a boring one, but hey it's an update 

Hopefully the blues can pull through with a win today and I can brag to all of my free friends!

Next update wont be long!

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