Chapter 81

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(Em's POV)

The past week has been hectic at the club!

It was announced that Brent Stanton will be leaving the club, who was the midfield transition coach who came in at the end of the 2017 season!

As well, there has been so much speculation about the coaching position within the media!

Alastair Clarkson's manager confirmed that he will not be coaching in 2022, ruling him out for the job!

The boys haven't been told much, only that there will be announcement within the club in a club of days informing of the coaching positions for 2022!

As well, Adam Cerra a former Fremantle Dockers player has informed his club that he wants to be traded back to his home state fo Victoria and be closer to family!

He has also supposedly selected Carlton as his preferred club, yet Carlton has to trade something for Cerra! 

Today we are going into the club because supposedly the board has made a final decision and they are to tell the entire team!

I think we all know what the verdict is, but I know that Sam doesn't want it to happen!

Over the last couple of weeks Sam has been definitely expressing his opinion about the fact that we should not sack Teague!

It had gotten to the point that when the media would write about Teaguey, Sam would go on a full on rant and almost call the club!

Fish definitely cares about Teague, but he isn't as attached to him as Sam!

Lockdown is slowly getting easier, the only thing getting me through it at the moment is coaching and knowing that the case numbers are slowly going down meaning we should get out of lockdown soonish...

Thankfully the club has allowed the meeting to start at 11:30 which means we can get a somewhat of a sleep in!

When we all were finally up, we went out for our 1 hour of exercise outside which consists of us spilling tea and walking Pinot and Nav!

When we get back home Bell makes us all smoothies while we have a shower and while we eat, she showers as well. 

Getting into the club there are at least 10 media trucks here, which is no surprise!

The media personnel all try to get a quote out of Zac and Sam but they just give them a nod and continue walking into the club!

We knew that there would be media here given how much press has been around Teaguey name recently, but they don't deserve to know until the club announces it!

Thankfully the club is still lively so when we walk in we are greeted by a bunch of players and co workers!

"Hey Stock" I say giving him a hug 

"Hiya, how've you been" he asks me 

"Pretty good, just getting through lockdown as best as we can" I reply back 

"That's good to hear, don't need you and Walshy doing some crazy shit right now" Stock jokes 

We are hanging around in the basketball court area waiting for us to get the all clear to head into the theatre room!

I'm chatting with Emily who is one of the physiotherapist's I've been closely working with besides from Will!

We are just catching up given we haven't seen each other in a while because she had taken some time off before lockdown happened so she wasn't working on game days. 

"Come on in guys" Sayers says and the players head in first and start filling up the back and then the medical team head in and the corporate heads come in and then everyone else.

When we get in the room, the entire coaching staff in already in the room, which is not a good sign, but hopefully it just means that they will be coaching in 2022!

As soon as the door closes behind Sayers, the tension immediately rises, this isn't gonna be good 

"Okay so, the review has been finalised and the board have come to conclusion with what will need to happen" Sayers says and the hairs on my body stick straight up 

"I don't want to babble on and make you guys sit hear for 2 hours, so when you guys leave you will get a document with every single finding, but getting straight to the point, we have decided that 4 of the current board members need to be replaced, the defence coach : Dale Amos will not be coaching with us, as well as Head Coach David Teague" Sayers says and my heart falls to the ground

Teague has probably had the worst run as coach ever in the AFL : the only 2 full years he had was ruined by covid, picking up the club in one of the darkest times, had a serious run with injuries and to build from the bottom. 

"To answer majority of your questions, we do not currently have a coach 100% in, but there are definitely some coaches that are willing to come to the club and coach" Sayers continues on 

Luke continues on explaining what will unfold over the next couples of weeks. Obviously because the season is over there isn't much of a need for the boys to come back to the club, so we were informed that we are able to come to the club we want to but we are not being forced to. 

Obviously my team and I will need to continue to create programs for the boys that are carrying long term injuries but besides that I'm basically free from AFL training for 10ish weeks!

Once Sayers finishes talking I follow Sam and Zac into the remodelled locker room which is insane, I absolutely love the new lighting in here!

The boys want to come into the rooms to pack up what they will need from their lockers, which is basically everything of course, the boys put me in charge of carrying the extra bags that they will proceed to fill!

We spent probably way too long in the rooms because some of the other boys ended up coming into the rooms and we just got caught up talking and figuring out what we should do when lockdown ends in a couple of days!


I'm so far behind on updates but I promise soon there will be more recent updates!

Hopefully I can write more tonight but who knows if that will actually happen...

Also, THANK YOU FOR 16K!!!!!

Remember to comment and vote! 

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