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"You wanna spar with Loki?" Steve asked as I nodded, "did I stutter?" I asked turning off my music, I handed Buck my phone, Steve walked over to an intercom, "Loki, come to the training room please" he spoke as his voice echoed through the compound. "So, what should I call you?" I looked at Buck, "Bucky, Steve is the only one who calls me Buck" Bucky told me as I nodded. I then removed my hoodie to reveal my black tank top underneath as Loki walked in. "What?" he asked glancing over at me and then looking at Steve, Thor soon followed. "Tony's daughter wants to spar with you," Steve told Loki as he looked at me. Everyone else had come in as well, "my father...step-father, not Tony. Always told me the best way to get to know someone is by fighting them. I don't like you...so I want an excuse to fight you" I simply said as he chuckled, "well, it may please you to know that I don't much care for you either, princess" Loki spoke as I glared at him, "I'm not a princess..." I sneered as he glared at me, "very well, what are the rules?" he spoke as he walked over and stood in front of me, "no weapons, no illusions. Just old-fashioned hand-to-hand combat" Steve spoke as Loki and I glared at one another.

"Shake hands" Steve spoke as I put my hand out, Loki grabbed my hand, his hand cold against my much warmer hand, "all right, remember the rules, no knives, daggers, powers, illusions or anything of the sort, the only way any of us will step in is if the other gives up, it gets too out of hand, or until you two pass out..." Steve continued as Loki and I glared at one another.

~Two hours later~

Loki and I sat across from one another panting, I was laying on the ground, 'how the fuck is he still going?' I mentally asked as I looked over at him and saw he was wiping blood off his mouth and winced slightly, 'he's gonna give...he's so close...' I mentally told myself, "how long have they been going?" I heard Peter ask Tony, "two hours...going onto three" Bucky spoke, I went to get up, groaned, and grabbed my side. "G-Give up yet?" I asked as Loki looked at me, "you wish" he panted as he got up and groaned. Both of us fell onto our stomachs, 'he really fucked me up' I groaned, "all right! This is gonna stop now" Tony spoke as he walked over to me and helped me up. "This isn't over little mortal" Loki spoke to me as Thor helped him up "good..." I panted as I groaned again, "let's get you to the med-bay" Tony spoke as I nodded, "y-yeah...we probably should" I agreed, Tony helped me to the med-bay, once there, he helped me sit on one of the bed, Bruce lifted my shirt, "this fucking hurts" I groaned as I just removed my shirt and tossed it to Peter, "hold that for me" I told him as he looked away with a red face, Bruce looked at my ribs, "you've got a cracked rib, I can fix it, but it'll probably be painful, and will continue to hurt whenever you cough, breathe too heavily, or laugh" he told me, "what would happen if I got into a fight without you fixing it?" I asked as he stared at me, "you'll get a broken rib, and if you're not careful, it can puncture your lung, collapse your lung, and then you could possibly die" he told me as I thought for a moment, "do you have to do surgery?" I asked as he blinked a few times, "yes and no, we'll have a machine doing it...ever play Mass Effect two?" he asked as I stared at him and then nodded. "Remember at the beginning of Mass Effect 2 when they had those machines revive Shepard?", "yeah" I nodded, "it'd be like" he told me as I smiled, "all right, do the surgery," I told him as he looked over at Tony, "I need her parent's consent" Bruce spoke as Tony stared at him, "uhm...if she wants it then let her get the surgery. She's seventeen practically an adult, so treat her like one" Tony spoke as I stared at him, "what?" Tony asked as Bruce started gathering things, "my step-father never let me do shit by myself...I'm just...not used to someone who is supposed to be my father letting me make choices by myself..." I told him as I started untying my boots.

"If you were Shuan, he'd tell me to fucking deal with the cracked rib, and if it got broken then I'll have learned my lesson about fighting...then probably let me die," I said as I removed one of my boots, "he's part of the reason I am the way I am...whenever I wanted something from the store...he'd say. "Why don't you call up your real father, I'm not made of money like Tony fucking Stark is" I spoke as Tony stared at me, "Y/n..." he started as I sighed and shook the thought out of my head, "Hey, I think I grew up pretty great without a father...Shaun isn't my dad, and my real father never really cared to even ask my mom if he had a kid..." I said as he stared at me. "Y/n..." he started but Bruce came back.

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