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After what felt like hours of fighting, Thor had managed to hurt Thanos, but Thanos snapped anyway, I walked up to Loki who was beside Steve, all of us panting. "Thor, where'd he go?" Steve asked as Thro remained quiet, "Steve?" Bucky spoke as we looked at him and he fell to the ground turning to dust, we watched as several people turned to dust. That's when I felt strange. "Loki?" I asked as he looked at me, I stumbled towards him, he caught me, "no, no, no..." he whispered as I clung to him. "Don't let me go...please...I don't wanna leave you!" I cried, "Y/n...no, y-you're not going anywhere" he whispered as he held me, "L-Loki..." I cried as I clung to him more, he pulled away, "you're going to be fine darling. I promise...w-we'll get married and have kids...I swear" he whispered as he placed his forehead against mine, "don't go somewhere I can't follow" he whispered as I kissed him. "I love you" I spoke as I faded away. 

~Loki's pov~

I stared at the dust that was in my hands. "Y/n?" I asked, "Loki..." Thor started, "n-no, it's okay...because s-she's not gone," I said looking at him, I got up and dusted the dust off me, "Loki..." Steve started as he had tears in his eyes. "N-No Steve, it's okay. She's not gone!" I shook my head, "brother" Thor spoke as he placed his hand on my shoulder, "s-she's not gone" I spoke as tears fell from my eyes. Thor hugged me tightly. "She's not gone, brother! She can't be" I cried as he held me. 

~Time skip to a few months~

We had walked outside since we heard rumbling, a woman who glowed was putting a ship down, Tony, a raccoon, and a blue woman walked out. "Tony!" Steve spoke, "I couldn't stop him" Tony spoke, "where's..." he trailed off when he was Pepper, he hugged and kissed her. "I lost the kid," Tony told Steve as Steve looked down and then at me. "We lost...we lost a lot of people too..." Steve spoke, "where's my daughter? I need to know she's okay" Tony spoke, "Stark..." I started as he looked at me, he could tell by the look in my eyes. "N-No...no you're lying to me..." he spoke "Tony, I'm sorry..." Steve spoke as Tony fell to the ground crying. "Not my daughter" he cried as I felt tears form again.

~Another time skip demanded by the TVA~

The woman named Carol had Thanos by his throat, as all of us walked into the house he was living in on another planet. "I was wondering where you went Loki" Thanos spoke as I stared at him, I remained quiet, the others started talking to him. "Where are the stones?" Steve asked, "gone..." Thanos spoke, "no you're lying! You used them two days ago!" I shouted, "to destroy them" he spoke, "he's lying...Steve, he has to be" I said, "my father is many things...but he is not a liar" Nebula spoke, Thanos started to say something when my brother cut his head off. "Thor...what did you do?" Steve asked as we looked at him, "I went for the head" Thor simply said as he walked off. 

~Five years later~

I stayed in a cabin in the woods, my brother would come by and visit every once in and while. I had cut my hair shorter and even changed its color. I sat on the porch swing reading, listening to the few birds there were. I heard an engine coming up the driveway, I looked over and saw Steve, a man, Natasha, and the Hulk walk up. I closed my book as they walked onto the porch. "Isn't this place beautiful?" I asked them as they stared at me, "Loki?" asked Nat as I smiled to myself, "for the longest time, I wanted to believe that Y/n was still out there...and how I wanted to share this place with her...the two of us could start a family here...but after the second year of her not being here...I learned that she's not coming back and there was no point in holding onto hope.", "hope can lead to many things" Steve spoke as I chuckled and shook my head. "Hope is paralyzing. It can lead to many bad things...just look at what happened with my brother, he hoped that one day half of Asgard would come back...but..." I shook my head, "never happened." I said.

"What if we told you that we have a plan to bring them back?" Hulk spoke as I looked at him, "when did this happen?" I asked gesturing to him, "a while back..." he told me as I sighed, "I've given up on trying to think of a way to bring them back...but I'll amuse the idea" I spoke as I got up and we all walked inside. 

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