55. Homeland

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"What do you mean you are going to settle in South Korea??" Mrs. Kim asked incredulously over dinner a week later. 

"I mean exactly what you think I mean" Taehyung said, taking a mental note on how his mother still didn't stop wearing pants. 

Ever since Taehyung returned from the club the first day with a knife in his hand, asking his mother to hide all the knives in their house, Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Park had started covering themselves up from their necks to their toes in clothes. 

Just like Taehyung, they had thought that "I will chop your heads off" was a normal habitual threat that slipped out of Jeongguk's mouth until then. But the second they realized that the man was literally trying to carry knives around, they realized that it was better to keep themselves safe as well. 

Ever since then, Taehyung hadn't seen his mother in her skirts. It was as if she pushed all of her short clothes far inside her closet and the very thought of it made him laugh. 

"She means why" Mr. Kim said. 

"Just cause. We are twenty five now. We need to settle down too, right?" Taehyung said. "But why Korea? You can just move out of our house and settle somewhere around here, right?" Mrs. Kim whined. 

"Eomma, it is already hard for Jeongguk and Jeongyeon to adjust to this century. We want them to at least be in a place where they speak a familiar language" Taehyung explained. 

Jeongguk, who realized that he had absolutely no say in the discussion, silently continued eating his food. 

"He's got a point, though" Mr. Kim pointed out. "Thanks, dad" Taehyung said and continued. "We already talked to Bogum hyung about our Ph.D. He said we can continue it in the Seoul National University. He promised to refer us to a guide over there."  

"Ohh, that's good" Mr. Kim said. 

"It's not like we need a guide anyway, cause there's literally no one who knows Jeongguk's story better than he and I, but it's just more of a formality" Taehyung continued. 

"Hmm, of course. So when are you planning to move out?" Mr. Kim asked. Mrs. Kim, who still needed some time to digest the sudden news, stayed completely silent. 

"Maybe after a month? I talked to Minjae yesterday and he said he knew someone who could make documents for Jeongguk and Jeongie underground. We'll leave after that's done" Taehyung said. 

"What documents?" Jeongguk asked. 

"Your birth certificate and stuff like that" Taehyung said. "Hmm" Jeongguk continued eating. 

"Alright, then. I'll talk to Mr. Park and look for a house for you guys and make necessary arrangements. Are you and Jimin planning to live together or in different houses?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Different, but together. Like, even apartments are fine as long as we are neighbours" Taehyung said. "Okay, we'll look into it" Mr. Kim said. 

Later that night, as Taehyung snuggled deeper into Jeongguk's chest, Jeongguk voiced out the thought that had been eating his brain's roots ever since Taehyung and Jimin mentioned moving to Korea. 

He vaguely remembered Taehyung mentioning that his Kingdom, along with Alyndus and a few other Kingdoms were later going to become Korea. Does that mean he was going to live in a future version of his own Kingdom?

"I don't think I am coping well to this century, Taehyung-ah" he said. 

Taehyung looked up worriedly. "What makes you think so?" he asked. 

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