Secret revealed

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The rooms dark. It should be, it is lights out after all. I can barely see the ceiling.

I woke up about five minutes ago, my stomach rumbled as my throat felt tight. I had to run down to the bathroom and get rid of last nights dinner.

My eyes keep closing and then snap open because I hear something in the halls. I feel like there is something toxic in my stomach. Like something bad is going to happen.

I pull my arm up and look at my watch, I have to squint my eyes. 3:48. Why would something bad happen tonight? Especially this late.

"Nothing bad will happen." My voice drifts off as my head starts falling to the side. I just need some sleep for once. A small smile comes onto my face as my body starts to feel like it's floating. Just a little.

Why is there banging? Is someone struggling? I'm probably asleep. Why can I see the room? I sit up fast and look around. "I'm not asleep." I look down from my bunk and see someone else already awake. My eyes squint as I try to see through the darkness of the room.

"What's going on?" Scattered mutters surround the room as I start to climb down my ladder.

"Someone turn on the light!" I yelled. Lights filled the room as I looked over near Tris' bed. Edward rolled around the floor holding his eye. "Edward?" I walked over and grabbed his shoulder to get him to stop rolling around. He pulled his hand back and showed a butter knife in his eye. "Holy shit." I placed my hand over his eyebrow and held his hands down to stop him from touching it.

Panicked talking filled the room as I pulled him up. "Don't touch it." I sat him on the bed and looked at the eye. I can't move him far, he will try to look where we are going, I would need to stop him from walking into walls, what do I do, what do I do, I don't know what to do. I pulled back and gripped my hair as I looked around at all of the panicked people. "What are you all doing?!" They all looked at me with pale faces and wide eyes. "Go get the nurse!"

"It's four in the morning she won't be there." I looked over at someone before looking at my feet.

"Okay, I need someone to take him to the medical then, someone with somewhat medical experience." I grabbed Edwards hand as he went to grab the knife.

"How bad is it?" I looked at him before looking at the utensil. Blood flood down his cheek and stained the blade.

"It'll be okay."

"I need to pull it out." I glared at him and shook my head.

"No! That'll make it worse, leave it until you're in someone's care." I looked up and saw everyone talking amongst themselves. "Seriously?!"

"What are we supposed to do? Listen to you barking orders? Why don't you take him?" My back tensed before I looked over my shoulder and glared at the boy behind me.

"Daniel, for once in your life, shut the fuck up. I can't take him, I don't have any medical expertise." He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"But you were Amity." I scoffed and put my hand up.

"By that logic you should be able to take him. I worked in the goddamn fields-"

"Yeah so did I!"

"Then what's your fucking point?" I stopped for a second and watched him. He didn't move, his eyes kept flickering, and his mouth was twitching. I had been ignoring him for a while now, he's probably happy he got a rise out of me. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "There's a person here with a butter knife in their eye, this has gone on long enough, who is gonna take him?" Footsteps make me turn towards the door. The nurse walks in with sweat dripping down her face. "Thank god."

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