Chapter 1.2

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Lucas POV

 I wasn't thinking about it and I should've pulled Amelia out of the room because then it happened. 

Amelia POV

I was watching Eddie Callway riding his bull in the refreshments tent. Then all of a sudden he gets jerked off the horse and hits the ground really hard. Then, while he is on the ground the bull tried to stomp on him. After that, it happened. My breathing got heavy. My hands started shaking. I couldn't hear anyone around me. The only thing I could look at was the floor. I knew I was having an anxiety attack. I see the day it happened I could feel the emotions I felt.Then, I saw a pair of eyes making  their way towards me. I feel my hands being grabbed and I walk out of the tent still staring into those eyes.

Lucas POV

I see the shaking, the tears, and her zoning out. So, I grab her and bring her outside and while doing that we are just staring into each other's eyes. She looked so sad and so frightened. I'm really mad at myself for not taking her out of the tent earlier because I had a feeling her anxiety would kick in. Once we got outside I whispered things to her like it's going to be ok,  he's in a better place now, you're ok, nothings going to happen to me, I won't leave you I'll always come back to you. Her breathing finally goes back to normal and she stops shaking, but there are still a few tears running down her face.

"You aren't going to leave me, right?" She asks me.

"Of course I'm not. I would never leave you." I say while wiping the tears off her face.

"Ok. Good" She replies.

"Alright let's go back in."

We walk back in the tent and Zay goes up to her, then hugs her. I hear him tell her it's gonna be alright and then they pull away.

"Lucas you can't do that. Why are you going to ride that bull? You saw what happened to him, the same thing might happen to you." Maya says.

"Maya I have to do it I can't be a disgrace anymore."

"Ok, if you do it. I will never speak to you again."

"Why Maya? Why? You know I have to do this."

"Fine. I'm never speaking to you again." She said and walks away. 

Then before I know it it's ,my time to ride Tombstone the bull.

Amelia POV

Lucas is on Tombstone right now. He's doing way better than I thought he would. Then all of a sudden he gets jerked off Tombstone and falls onto the ground not moving. Riley and I climb over the fence once the put Tombstone away and run over to Lucas, then crouch down next to him.

"Lucas wake up!!!" Riley shouts over and over while shaking him.

"Lucas get up please. I can't lose you too. Come on wake up please, you promised me you wouldn't leave." I say tearing up.

"You thought I would leave you that fast? I'm never leaving you" Lucas says sitting up. Once I hear him I smile and hug him, then I kiss him.

"Lucas you did it you got over two seconds" Zay says standing over us. We all cheer in celebration.

Hi everyone!!! I hope you enjoy this new chapter. I'm so sorry I didn't update it yesterday, I was busy because I went to the carnival. I am going to skip them being around the fire place and the stuff that happens there because I'm lazy so I'll just sum it up here. Lucas and Maya DO NOT almost kiss, but Riley thinks a kiss did happen between them. Since I did skip what else happened in the episode the chapter is a little shorter. I'm so sorry.The next chapter will be what happens in Texas episode two. I hope you enjoy and Goodnight, Good morning, Good afternoon. Depending on when you read and what timezone you are in.

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