chapter one

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Hades is sitting in his throne and all he can think about is Isabella because he wants to know what the shadow hunter's peoples are going to do to her then he sees a bright light form in the middle of the throne room. he sees the bright light take form of two peoples and he see a woman first because the woman is face toward him. the man with the woman has his back to hades so he can't tell who it is.

"Who are you two and how did you two get in here ". hades said. he watches the man turn around to face him and he see it is Alex Isabella's brother. he has not look down at Alex arms to see Isabella body yet.

"We came from the other portal my lord." the witch said. hades is wonder what happen to Isabella.  

"What happen to Isabella Alex and where is she at." Hades said. something told him to look down at Alex arms and he see Isabella body in them. he gets up from his throne and he walk toward Alex. 

"I am here because I need your help hades. they use the hell stone on Isabella. I am bringing her body to you, and we can get her back when the main portal opens up again. " Alex said. hades is standing in front of Alex and he take Isabella body out of Alex arms. he looks at the witch. 

"Who are you girl ". hades said. the witch looks at hades with a nervous look on her face and she hope hades do not kill her. 

"I am Terri and I helped Alex get out of the Shadowhunter headquarter with Isabella body. I am witch from the black raven coven of the witched and my mother use to work for you sir." Terri said. hades is wonder what this witch want from him and who was her mother that worked for him. He needs to know about her because he had a lot of witches betrayed him and he hope her mother was not one of them. he was about to ask a question to the witch, but the throne room doors open up and he look toward the throne room doors to see who is coming in the throne room. he sees it is two of his favorite witches.  

"Good you two are here because I was about to call for you two.  I need two to do a spell soon. Terri who was your mother ". hades said. he looks down Isabella body that is in his arms and he need know what happened to her. he has miss her a lot and he will get her back. Terri cleans her throat for hades to look at her.

"My mother was lily browning." Terri said. hades remember lily browning because she was one of his good witches, but she gives up working for him and her immortal for love. 

"What do you want from me Terri and Alex where is the hell stone at. why did the shadow hunter peoples do this to her." Hades said. Terri looks toward Alex for him to tell hades what happen, but Alex nods his head to her to tell hades why she is here for first. 

"My parents was killed by the shadow hunter because they helped someone to hide from the Shadowhunter and I want to work for you my lord ". Terri said. hades listen to her, but he keeps look at Isabella body. he looks up at them and he want to know why the Shadowhunter people did this to her.  

"Alex why did the shadow hunter people do this to her ". hades said. he sees the pain look on Alex face. 

"They found out that Isabella slept with you and Isabella had your child, so it is why they did this to her ". Alex said. he is wonder what happen to his child. 

"Do you know what happen to my child Alex." hades said. he needs to know if the shadow hunter peoples did something to his child because he will kill every last one of them.

"Your daughter is safe something where because Isabella took her to someone, but she did not tell me who it was, and my peoples think your child is dead, so they are not hunting the child down. "Alex said. hades are happy to know his child is safe, but he need to know who have his daughter. he looks at his favorite witches Abby and Samantha.  

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